Benbrook Summer Smash presented by Red Horn Brewery (HoTT Points Event)

PDGA B/C-tier

Sat-Sun, August 10-11, 2024

Hosted by Hill Country Hyzers Disc Golf Club

Part of 2024 Heart of Texas Tour


I. Fredrickson Ian Fredrickson MPO
T. Wright Troy Wright MA1
Z. Padilla Zax Padilla MA50
C. Baumgart Clayton Baumgart MA2
T. Webster Timothy Webster MA4


  • Sat
    Aug 10

    8:30am - 3:00pm

    Tee Times

  • Sun
    Aug 11

    8:30am - 3:00pm

    Tee Times


50S $50 Co-Sponsor $50
100S $100 Sponsor $100
MPO Mixed Pro Open $60
FPO Women's Pro Open $60
MP40 Mixed Pro 40+ $60
FP40 Women's Pro 40+ $60
MP50 Mixed Pro 50+ $60
MP60 Mixed Pro 60+ $60
MP70 Mixed Pro 70+ $60
MA1 Mixed Am 1 $40
FA1 Women's Am 1 $40
MA40 Mixed Am 40+ $40
FA40 Women's Am 40+ $40
MA50 Mixed Am 50+ $40
MA60 Mixed Am 60+ $40
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $40
FA2 Women's Am 2 $40
MA3 Mixed Am 3 $40
FA3 Women's Am 3 $40
MA4 Mixed Am 4 $40
FA4 Women's Am 4 $40
MJ18 Mixed Junior 18 $20
FJ18 Girls' Junior 18 $20

About this tournament

Benbrook Summer Smash 2024

✴️ B-tier for PROs ($1,500 added cash)
✴️ C-tier for AMs (100%+ in player pack value)
● 2 rounds (36 holes) - 1 round per day

● Rolling tee times starting at 8:30am with 10 minute intervals between tee times
● We will announce tee times through email on Friday at 7:00pm
● You must be at Hole 1 two minutes before your scheduled tee time.

✴️ Tees
● All professional divisions will play the traditional concrete tees.
● MA1 & MA2 will play the traditional concrete tees.
● Modified short tees for: MA40, MA50, MA60, MA3, MA4, FA40, FA1, FA2, FA3, FA4, MJ18, FJ18
● Short tees on holes: 4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, & 18

● There will be 1 Ace Pot. If no ACE is hit, we will do a CtP-off (hole 18 basket) and pay out 3 places (1st: 60%, 2nd: 30%, 3rd: 10%).

❇️ Please reach out to us if you would like to sponsor a hole ($100), share a hole sponsorship ($50), or donate merch for CtPs or the silent auction.

❇️ You may purchase an extra event disc for $20.

❇️ Club membership for the year (GroundBounds) is $20. These are our version of tags. They earn you the full Ace Pot during league play, $3 off MINT discs we have in-stock, and $1 off beer or coffee during our Red Horn Putting League. Proceeds support local course upgrades.

⚠️ Any divisions with 2 people or less MAY be condensed into a larger division. ⚠️

1️⃣ Professional: payout + CtPs (Ace Pot is optional.)
- multiple divisions: female, male, age-protected
● Entry Fee: $60 ($45 to payout)
❇️ See below for fee breakdown.

● 100% payout of Net Entry Fees plus minimum of $1,500 cash added to Pro purse (allocated proportionally across all Pro divisions)

● Current PDGA membership required to compete.

2️⃣ Amateur: merch payout + CtPs (Ace Pot is optional.)
- Player Pack Value: $45 (2 MINT Discs, and a chalk bag)
● Entry Fee: $40 ($25 merch payout)
❇️ See below for fee breakdown.

● Minimum of 85% payout of Net Entry Fees to Amateur purse (prizes + player packs)

● Current PDGA membership NOT required to compete for AMs. Non-current members or non-members pay a $10 per-event temporary membership fee when registering (except in Junior divisions)

3️⃣ Junior / Youth (FJ18 / MJ18): merch payout + CtPs (Ace Pot is optional.)
- Player Pack Value: $45 (2 MINT Discs, and a chalk bag)
● Entry Fee: $20 ($5 merch payout)
❇️ See below for fee breakdown.

❇️❇️❇️ Fee Breakdown: ❇️❇️❇️
-$3 PDGA fee
-$1 EDGE donation
-$1 HoTT Tour Finale fee
-$3 Admin fee (restroom, water, snacks)
-$4 Course fee
-$3 to HCHDGC

Please refer to the PDGA website below and see the section "Amateur Divisions" for guidelines on which division to register for.

✴️✴️✴️ HoTT Points & General Tour Info: ✴️✴️✴️
Tour Schedule -
Tour Points Details -
Tour Points Standings -

✴️✴️Caddy Book✴️✴️

Full PDF Version:

Simple Doc Version:



❇️ MINT Discs - a massive thank you to our friends and partners for making this event possible. MINT paved the way for our club to raise funds, and if it weren't for that, we would not have been able to generate the revenue for the Benbrook redesign. MINT continues to be extremely generous throughout the course construction process, and we could not have made this course a reality without them. We are extremely grateful for the partnership with this local company. MINT's support has enabled our club to make some big waves in the Cedar Park, Leander, and Georgetown region.

❇️ Red Horn Brewery - We appreciate our friends for being such gracious hosts throughout our putting league, AND for donating refreshments for this event.

❇️ Benbrook 2.0 - We are ecstatic to showcase the completely redesigned course from Mike Olse for OUR club's first large-scale tournament. This is our first B-tier, and we are thrilled for many more. Benbrook 2.0 hosted 2 national events in the past 6 months (NADGT & USWDGC), and we are proud to highlight the new layout to the public once again, with several new upgrades.

If you haven't played the new layout, we now have concrete tee pads and new MVP baskets. Every hole is different from the original 2008 design. We have 7 completely new holes in the eastern portion of the park. Old holes 4, 5, 16, and 18 will be recognizable, but each hole has either a new tee or basket location (or both).

Several course upgrades have already been performed: concrete tees, new baskets, a putting facility, 6 fantastic creek crossings, an intricate triple mandatory, and trash receptacles.

A few more improvements are in the works: individual hole signs, a course map, a street sign, more benches, a water fountain, and a shade structure.

❇️ About the Hill Country Hyzers Disc Golf Club: ❇️
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, committed to growing disc golf in the north Austin area. We host approximately 12-15 low-cost disc golf events each month, attracting locals to Central Texas parks. We focus on four tenets: improving existing courses through volunteer work, advocating for new course installations, bringing new players to the game, and donating to local charities. 100% of the proceeds generated by the club go to the HCHDGC fund to finance future course improvements at Benbrook and other local disc golf venues. The Board of Directors does not accept any compensation. Connect with us if you are interested in getting more involved with the inner workings of the club.

❇️ Learn more about the HCHDGC here: ❇️

Join us for a fun community event!

❇️ Proceeds from this event will be used towards a player rest area near hole 1 and a water fountain at Benbrook Ranch Park Disc Golf Course. ❇️

Refund policy

Hill Country Hyzers Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.