Beehive Classic Pre-Bee-C

PDGA logoMonday, June 10, 2024 at Schneiter's Bluff Golf Course in West Point, Utah
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Beehive Classic Pre-Bee-C graphic

About this tournament

The Pre Bee C is a PDGA Sanctioned C tier event where everyone playing will have the opportunity to play Bluff in the comfort of a Golf Cart. Golf Carts are provided as part of your registration costs. A small portion of registration goes toward fundraising for the Beehive Classic. There will be no Payout for any division for the Pre Bee C. All Players using carts will be partnered up with 1 other person. You may list a person who you would like to be partnered with for the cart. Your cart-mate is not guaranteed but we will try to do everything we can to make it work.

This will be a Shotgun Start event. We will have a short Players meeting at 5:30 in front of the clubhouse and then when the course is clear of Golfers, we will head out to the starting holes and begin play at 6pm.

Refund policy

Davis County Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.
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