Bayfest Red Dragon

Singles tournament

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Hosted by Dragon Slayers


  • Sat
    Nov 2

    9:00am - 2:00pm

    Flex Start 3 discs only from Red pads. All 3 discs must be 5 speed or less.


Adv Adv Men $20
Int Intermediate Men $20
Beg Beginner men $20
JB Junior boys. 12 and under $20
JG Junior girls 12 and under. $20
Advw Adv Women $20
Intw Intermediate women $20
Begw Beginner women $20
NovM Novice Men $20
MA50 Mixed Am 50+ $20
MA60 Mixed Am 60+ $20

About this tournament

This is a prize only event. The amount of winning places are determined by amount of entries in each division.

$20 entry fee with a chance to improve your score for $10 for each additional round the day of tournament!

Come out for a family friendly day and enjoy the live music and vendors during Freeport Bayfest!

Yes, you can sign up the day of the event.

Refund policy

Dragon Slayers is responsible for all refunds and cancellations. No refunds after 7pm on October 27th 7pm.