Battle of Mesker 27 2021

PDGA logoSunday, October 17, 2021 at Mesker Park in Evansville, Indiana
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Battle of Mesker 27 2021 graphic


Tournament DirectorJoe Keith
Series DirectorSteven Waites

About this tournament

Welcome back to the Battle of Mesker, a 27 hole struggle against both Mesker OG and Mesker Woods! New this year is the format of a 1 round shotgun start, as well as this event being a part of the Pumpkin Shootout Fundraiser Series!

The inaugural year for the Pumpkin Shootout Fundraiser series, players will receive one series point for completing the event as well as one point for each player defeated throughout the hole field. Players will also receive an invitation to the 17th Annual Pumpkin Shootout, the Pumpkin Shootout Series finale event, with a series champion to be crowned following the completion of the PSO.

This is a Trophy Only C-Tier, with proceeds going to the funding of the Pumpkin Shootout. Divisions with four or more competitors will award first, second, and third place, divisions with two or three competitors will award first place only. All ams will receive a custom Mitten Bag commemorating the inaugural PSO fundraiser series (picture is a mock-up).

This is a PDGA Competition Endowment Program C-tier.

Come out and test your mettle!

Refund policy

Sunday Crew is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Mesker Park
Evansville, IN   Get Directions


Final Results

PDGA results at
1Logan Marshall7575
2Kyle Giovannini7777
3Danny Clevenger8585
3Derek Drone8585
1Phillip Powers7878
2Ronnie Wilson8787
1Daniel Cornwell7777
2Matt Nance7777
3Evan Riley7979
4Justin Compton8080
5Xyan Adkisson8181
6Ben Hoback8484
7Caden Schmitt8585
8James Penland8686
8Kyle Armstrong8686
8Ryan Sanders8686
11Aaron Altstadt8787
12Josh Pemberton8888
12Ryan Messenger8888
14Andrew Kay9797
1Jason Williams7474
2Chris Klem7474
3Ben Verkamp7777
4Christopher Goodrich8181
5Marty Ellison8383
6Mark Wannemueller8787
1Ronald Litton8383
2Charles Freimiller8484
3Dennis James9898
1Alex Worm7777
2Ryan Bosler8080
2Trevor Gibson8080
4Michael Richardson8282
5Neil Kippenbrock8383
6Schon Gibson8484
7Mitchell Henderlong8585
8Josh Franklin8686
9Luke Riley8888
10Jeffery Scott9393
11Jared Robling191191
1Kody Merrell8080
2Jake Marks8181
3Aaron Ballard8383
3Chris Neal8383
3Jamie Miller8383
6Micah Stanley8484
6Scott Jones8484
8Nathan Wendholt8585
9Jonathan Parkerson8686
10Rocco Stasi8787
11Larry Altstadt8888
12Dave Caveman Kizlin8989
12Polo Navarro8989
14Robb Clifton9090
15Aaron Roberts9191
16Zac Stone9292
17Donald Rohlman III9393
18Tyler Hagedorn9494
19Alton Barnett9595
20Jeff Binder9797
20Jeremy Fulcher9797
1Orion Hall8787
2Jeff Hancock9191
2Zachary Wilderman9191
4James Key9292
5Brad Schmidt9393
5Jim Scheller9393
5Joe Keith9393
8Keith Holder9494
8Mark Adams9494
10Dale Palmer9696
11Benjamin Herrmann9898
12Ian Springer9999
13Tyrone Green100100
14Christian South-Alderson103103
15Tony Vierra104104
16Cameron Alderson119119
1Jaima Cartwright8686
2Brittney Rizen8686
1Jennie Weigand103103
2Josie Freimiller105105
3April South-Alderson106106
4Amanda Plotz109109
4Maryann Freimiller109109
6Tina Doogs120120
7Anastasia Sorensen123123
1Kaiden Schmidt9090
1Travis Parkerson101101
2Logan Key107107
3Nolan Waters114114
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