Battle of Bad Rock *Eastern Front Finale*

Sunday, September 30, 2018 at Bad Rock Creek @ Stocksdale Park in Liberty, Missouri
Disc golf singles tournament

Battle of Bad Rock *Eastern Front Finale* graphic

About this tournament

Welcome to the Final Battle of the 2018 Eastern Front mini-campaign!
This is an unsanctioned event!

Sponsored by:

Launchpad Disc Golf
Kansas City Flying Disc Club
UnderPar DiscGolf
DG Nomad

There will be one round of 24 holes at Bad Rock with Kapt Kujo Design!

Divisions and Payouts

We switched things up this year, an implimented a new format, we hope everyone likes it!

Cash Division $20
plays for cash

Competitive Division $15
merch payout through Launchpad DG, good throughout the mini-campaign
also can use to register for future Eastern Front events.

Trophy Division $10
Plays for trophy, every 4 players that sign up we will add a trophy in, example if 8 people sign up the top two will get a trophy
must have 3 players to create a division
Jrs. will get a trophy no matter how many sign up
Sign up by Sept. 16th to ensure trophies

*Ace fund wiil pay out half or ctp at end of series

The Eastern Front Four-Part Mini-Campaign:

There will be an overall Campaign winner for each division
Best Three Events of the campaign will account for your total score
Each battle you participate in will give you a 1 stroke handicap
Play all events get 2 handicap strokes

Battle of Blue Valley - 3/18/2018 KC Mini Series Event
Battle of Cliff Drive - 6/3/2018
Battle of Wilbur Young - 8/26/2018
Eastern Front D-Day (Bad Rock) - 9/30/2018

Be prepared folks! THIS IS WAR!

Refund policy

Launchpad Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.

Final Results

1Daven Glendenning135135$18
1Jeff R.6060$80
2Jose Ossa6565$55
3Erik Bolton6666$37
4Jonathan Freeman6767$28
5Bowen Seiter6868$12
5D.J. Sendit6868$12
5Daniel Stracke6868$12
8Austin J.6969
8Nicholas Kolar6969
8Will W.6969
11Mattrick Wright7070
13Darren Bachman7474
14Brandon Garrison7575
15James Thompson7777
1Travis Trober6767$65
2Cecil Cameron6767$41
3Heath Kinton6868$30
4Brian Swezy7171$22
5Mike Stumfoll7373
6George "Feorge" Rousis7474
7Clint Bourne7474
8Jeff Gradinger7575
9Shane Caylor7575
10Manny U.8888
2Will Stiles7272$38
3Bob Marchert7373$26
4Eric Barrett7474$17
4Ian Dickerson7474$17
6Chris Walker7676
6Michael Elliott7676
6Yevgeniy Shmurak7676
9Johnny Harrison7979
11Andy Comer8383
11Nick Evans8383
13Gabe Mick8484
14Jacob Rebel8585
1Michael Krueger6868$36
2Tony Burnett7070
3Scott Gabby8282
1Jaimee Crosby8585$45
2Tina Launchpaderson9090$13
3Gloria Garrison9090$13
4Sky Kat102102
5Jan Frantz107107
6Gabby Cole108108
1Kimberly Giannola7676$32
2Nova Politte7878
1Atticus Koukol123123
1Nick Allen6969
2Nick Lauer7070
3John Thomas7171
4William Trimble7272
5Keith Glendenning7777
6Nathan Zimmerman7878
7Lee Allen7979
8Chris Allen8080
9Seth Koukol8080
10Brett Roberts8282
11Steven B.8282
12Nick Bollinger8787
13Cole Britz9292
14Chad Vulgamott103103
15Mark Rebel103103
1Elisabeth Borg-Bowman7979
2Amy Crowe8585
2Anna Hare8585
4Rhonda Crosby8888
5Christina Saldivar9191
7Ashley Koukol137137
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