Battle at Frost Creek

Sat-Sun, June 29-30, 2024 at Frost Creek in Maple Falls, Washington
Disc golf singles tournament


Tournament Directorandy salkield
Tournament Director Emilio Mondragon
tournament supportChloe Salkield

About this tournament

Battle at Frost Creek 06/29-6/30

3 round singles disc golf tournament
Played on the Frost creek course
Non sanctioned event....

2 rounds Saturday, 10 am start.
A one hour lunch , after the last card is in.
approximately 2pm for the 2nd round to start.

I will be offering pizza to help limit the lunch crunch on Saturday.
2 big slices for 6$ . please rsvp slices and you would like

1 round Sunday , 10 am start.
awards after the last card is in and any ties have been settled.
ties will be settled by ring of fire style putter challenge.5 ft stations form 20 ft out.

Refund policy

Andy Salkield is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Frost Creek
Maple Falls, WA   Get Directions

Final Results


$133.00 for Hole 2 on Main course, Regular tees
1Tyler Kunkel706764201$55
2Brandon Mcnew686768203$35
3Mikey Barringer676770204$15
4Robert Orlick686774209$5
5County Kid736769209
6Emilio Mondragon706972211
7Josh Fitts677273212
8Shine Sanderson756572212
9Christopher Minarik657675216
10Nicholas Shuler796872219
11Randy Newton7875-153
1Daniel Medina716666203$45
3Ryan Klassen736772212$10
4Danny Griffith737271216
5Trevor Thorp717474219
6P.J. Laush767473223
7Kris Ley886988245
8Jesse Krause74--74
1Bill Winkler717069210$30
2Pat Sullivan767376225$10
3Erik Cook767976231
4Chuck Lyter7375-148
1Grant Ruby647164199
2Logan Simpson767266214
3Spencer Sawyer737970222
4Greg Knapp717279222
5Benjamin Huth727872222
6Matt Nerland708076226
7Justin Juzwick807869227
8Evan Troka718077228
9Mario Sarinana807475229
10Marty Wilkins837576234
11Eddie Gargiulo728184237
12Brett Garris787884240
13Toby Horner778281240
14Cameron R Sphung867876240
15Wright Cole778681244
16Stephen Brun Jr886891247
17Christian Hernandez888281251
18Kevin Bragg788787252
19Daniel Bren838591259
20Jordan VanHollebeke829186259
21Colby Ernest888784259
22Seth Damstra949386273
23Bryan Black80--80
24Aaron Jerden---0
1Sean Kong717071212
2Shawn A Martin737086229
3Jackson Messner777583235
3Joshua Rowe777583235
5Timothy Van Auken757588238
6Guy Forsling847876238
7Michael Martin848474242
8Nathan Saunders868484254
9Aaron Stengel1049689289
10Arlen Johnson9210697295
11Joe Taylor7579-154
12Frank Boyd---0
1Troy Hansen748382239
2Jim Hansen798380242
2Joe Bailey847880242
4Troy Williams818382246
5Outhouse Willy928694272
6Chris Grandy8577-162
7Mark Minich8381-164
8Andy OMP Salkield11090-200
9Charles K Knudson---0
9Clay " SuperSonic" Layton---0
1Regan Pitts129116112357
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