Battle Buddy Dubs

Sunday, December 18, 2022 at Peter Pan Park in Emporia, Kansas
Disc golf doubles tournament

Battle Buddy Dubs graphic

About this tournament

Hello everyone and thank you for checking out our event! We are excited to host another Veterans for Vets event in the community, we have had a great turnout in previous years and great people join us for the day! This year it will be a single round shotgun-start best shot doubles event at Peter Pan Park. We will be taking walk ups, selling raffle tickets, mulligans and we will have Limited Edition Lucid Ice Vandals (while supplies last) the day of the event.

We will be accepting 18 hole sponsors for $50/hole which will include a sign with your company/team logo on it. If you send us a design we will take care of the rest!

Tournament Info:
-Tournament central will be at the arbor/shelter next to Hole 4

-All Divisions will play Short tee pads, with the exception of hole 16. We will play long pad on Hole 16

-Drop Zones will be defined by markers and are as follows, if not stated play drop from last in bounds with 1 stroke penalty:
Hole 6 - to left of mando tree
Hole 8 - Just inside island
Hole 11 - to left of mando tree

-Ace pot to be donated if no one receives an Ace, if multiple are hit then it will be evenly distributed amongst those individuals

Following in the footsteps of the Trilogy Challenge, Veterans for Vets is a new event designed to meet three goals. First, it gives disc golfers a chance to play in an organized event during the winter months. Second, it provides an awesome environment for a disc golfer without any tournament experience to play in an organized event. Finally, it provides an opportunity for a local disc golf community to raise money that gets returned to that same community to organizations tasked with serving veterans!

Refund policy

Team ESCO is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.


Final Results

1Jose Ramirez
Julian Groh
4545 (+45)
4545 (+45)
3Skip Grady
Zachary Owen
4646 (+46)
4Charlie Meyer
Steve Meyer
4949 (+49)
4Harold Siegrist
Scott Heise
4949 (+49)
6Doug V.
Geryd Erbele
5050 (+50)
7Christopher Metcalfe
Shawn Metcalfe
5151 (+51)
8Adam Beers
Alex Morgan
5252 (+52)
9Gene Scoggin
Rodney Jones
5353 (+53)
10Issac Rangel
Milo Rangel
5454 (+54)
1Becky Smith
Christina Vangorder
5858 (+58)
2Jessi Boles
Marie Arceo
7070 (+70)
1Jared Seat
Noah McConnell
4848 (+48)
2Aaron BAMA Bearden
James The Snowman
4949 (+49)
3Alex Gonzales
Thomas Torres
5353 (+53)
4Brendan Lewis
Mitch Luna
5454 (+54)
5Houston Clearwater
Jeffrey Clemons
5656 (+56)
6Chayce Johnson
Matt Johnson
5757 (+57)
Mixed (1 male/1 female)
1Atlanta Krueger
Isaiah Esquivel
4040 (+40)
2Alexis Chaparro
Diana Montalvo
4747 (+47)
3Alejandro Jimenez
Joslynn Baker
4949 (+49)
1Kevin Shaffer
Lupe Esquivel
3939 (+39)
2Evan Smith
Yanc Boat
4040 (+40)
2Hayden Knuth
Troy Smart
4040 (+40)
4Elliot DeLong
Josiah Trinkle
4343 (+43)
5Keven Krueger
Morrow Krueger
4444 (+44)
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