Basket Cases Presents: Ript Showdown @ Sgt. Means
About this tournament
Basket Cases:
Updated guide available here:
Overview: Your registration includes a deck of Ript: Showdown playing cards released April 2021 as well as buy-in to the ACE pot and CASH PRIZES tickets pool. Each player receives 2 raffle tickets to fill out, included with registration. Golfers will be sent out utilizing FLEX START consisting of 2-4 players. Cards will begin playing starting at 9:30 AM. Last card out is at 12:00 PM. Estimated finish time is 2:30 PM or earlier. We HIGHLY suggest you coordinate ahead of the event to show up with cardmates to make your group. If you do not have a group, we will work day-of to add you to a group if possible. Following the rules of Ript: Showdown, you’ll select someone in your group to supply the deck for play. Only that deck may be used during play - no combining decks or adding cards. Play your round of disc golf. When finished, come back to the registration desk and let us know the winner of the round. The winner of the Ript: Showdown round will receive an additional 5 raffle tickets at this time. Prizes are drawn at the conclusion of the round at roughly 2:30 PM. OPTIONAL: Having lots of fun? Craft that winning strategy? You are able to replay the event again for an additional $10. Money will be added from your additional rounds to the cash prizes, increasing the prize pool each time you play! You also get 2 more raffle tickets with the replay option for more chances to win. Make sure to check in prior to your replay round to let us know you’re going back out and to pay for your round.
This event is designed with fun in mind, not a strict by the book disc golf round. The concept of Ript: Showdown is to sabotage competitors on your card with “Move your tee to X spot” or “throw with a mini for the next shot” type cards. Remember to keep good sportsmanship in mind as you battle on the course. Follow the rules of the game as well as the modified rules that RIPT: Showdown introduces.
Using the raffle ticket format, you don’t have to stay until the end. Just ensure your full name and phone number are on each of your raffle tickets!
Prizes and cash:
CTP’s - There will be CTP’s available on certain holes. Entry into the event ensures you’re playing for any CTP’s available! We go lighter on CTP’s and heavier on raffle due to the nature of Ript: Showdown! Rules allowing movement of a disc lie.
Ace Fund - If anyone gets an ace, they’ll get the entire ace pot. If more than one ace is hit, the pot will be split with the winners, rounded to the nearest dollar, for as many people that hit an ace. If no one hits, a circle of fire will be conducted.
Cash Prizes - There will be 10 cash prizes. $8 per player is added to the total prize pool for each registrant. For example, if 50 players register and play, $350 will be in the cash prize pool. In this example, there would be Qty 10 $35 prizes. Cash prizes will be paid digitally via PayPal after the event concludes, (cash if available)
Physical Raffle Prizes - We will have discs and other disc golf equipment. We are also accepting donations if you want to contribute to this fun event!
How do you win cash or physical prizes with the raffle tickets you get?
Pick-A-Prize raffle will be used. Anyone who wins their card according to the Ript rules gets 5 raffle tickets upon round completion. In addition, each player will have been given two raffle tickets upon check-in prior to your round. There will be different raffle entry dropboxes to drop your tickets into. One for cash prizes (qty 10 cash prize raffle boxes), and another (possible multiples) for physical prizes. For example, there may be two stacks of discs which might have two separate ticket dropboxes. You would have to choose which disc stack you wanted to use your raffle entries for. The same would apply if you go for cash. You can drop your ticket into the drawing of your choice to better increase your odds or go for that prize you’ve got your eye on. Cash prizes will be paid digitally via PayPal after the event ends.
Aces will be paid digitally or cash if available after the event ends.
Ript:Showdown Rules:
1. Deal out 3 cards to each player/team at the beginning of the round. These cards make up each player's hand.
2. Look at the “Play Text” on the card to see when each card can be played.
3. Each player can only play one card per hole, and each player can only have one card played on him/her per hole.
4. When a card is played the “Card Action” is carried out. The played card then goes to the bottom of the game deck.
5. In Ript Revenge the players are competing for skins and cards on each hole. The player who has the lowest score (untied) on a hole wins a skin, and everyone else playing gets a card. If there is a tie and no one wins the hole outright, then no skins or cards are won for that hole. If this happens then the skin/card value is carried over and added to the following hole. For example, if three holes in a row are played without a winner, then the fourth hole is worth 4 skins for the winner and 4 cards for each losing player. This gives the losing players ammunition to get revenge.
6. No one can hold more than 7 cards in his/her hand at any time. If a player has more than 7 cards that player must choose to play or discard down to 7 cards.
7. Discarded cards go to the bottom of the game deck.
All other Disc Golf rules apply. At the end of the round the player with the most skins (after any card modifiers) is the winner.
Dictionary for card terminology:
Thumber – A type of grip and overhead throw where the thumb is placed on the inside of the rim. The disc will rotate clockwise during flight and fade to the right.
Tomahawk – A type of overhead throw resembling a tomahawk chop. The disc is released at or near a vertical angle. Also referred to as a hammer throw.
Upshot (approach) – The shot that will get close enough to the basket to putt.
Turbo putt – Also called a pizza putt. The player holds the disc flat, about head height, with their thumb underneath the disc and fingers around the edge of the rim. The disc is thrown toward the basket with a spinning motion.
Straddle putt – A putting technique where a player faces the basket with their legs spread apart. Commonly used when a disc lands behind an obstacle.
Roller – A type of throw where the player gets the disc to land on its side and roll in a favorable direction.
Scooby shot (also Grenade) – A shot where the disc is held upside down. Can be used to get over a tall obstacle, or to slide the disc along the ground.
Sidearm / Forehand / Flick – (see Forehand) A throwing technique with the palm down and thumb on top similar to a baseball sidearm throw.
Spike hyzer – A type of throw where a disc leaves the players hand at a steep hyzer angle so the disc will fly high, then come back down at a steep angle.
Off Hand – A type of throw where the player throws with their non-dominant hand.
Push putt – A style of putting where little spin is put on the disc. Instead, the disc is pushed, or shoveled, toward the basket.
OB (out of bounds) – An area outside the playing area of a course. Discs landing OB result in a penalty stroke.
Overhead shot – Also known as overhand. A type of throw where the disc is released in an upward motion. Usually with a tomahawk or thumber grip.
Mando – Short for ‘mandatory’. The route a disc must take around an object, such as a tree or pole. Usually, an arrow will mark the direction the disc must take. With double mandos, the disc must pass between the two objects.
Mini marker (or mini) – A small disc used to mark the lie of a disc. It is placed in front of the disc (toward the basket) and the disc is picked up. The thrower’s foot must be within 30cm of the mini on the next throw.
Mulligan – A second chance or redo on a shot. Mulligans are often sold for fundraisers at charity disc golf tournaments.
Jump putt – A technique used for putting outside of the 10-meter circle. A player jumps toward the basket while putting to give the disc more speed and a longer flight.
Lie – The spot where a disc comes to rest. A player can leave the disc where it is to mark the lie, or use a mini marker
Hyzer – When a player throws a disc at an angle (for a RHBH player) that has the right side of the disc higher than the left upon release. Can be used to hyzer flip a disc or increase the amount of fade to the left.
Drop zone – An area designated as a spot to throw from if the prior throw missed a mando or goes Out of Bounds (OB).
Drive – The first throw from a tee pad. Can also refer to a long subsequent throw.
Circle, the – Refers to the 10-meter circle around a basket. Whether a disc lies in or out of the circle determines how a player may putt. (see 10-meter circle)
Cost breakdown for transparency
Event cost
Deck of Ript cards (hoping to get this cost down)
$6.00 (wholesale price)
Ace Fund
Cash Prizes
Club Fundraiser/Pavilion access
Replays cost: $10
7.00 into cash prizes, $3.00 to club
Updated guide available here:
Overview: Your registration includes a deck of Ript: Showdown playing cards released April 2021 as well as buy-in to the ACE pot and CASH PRIZES tickets pool. Each player receives 2 raffle tickets to fill out, included with registration. Golfers will be sent out utilizing FLEX START consisting of 2-4 players. Cards will begin playing starting at 9:30 AM. Last card out is at 12:00 PM. Estimated finish time is 2:30 PM or earlier. We HIGHLY suggest you coordinate ahead of the event to show up with cardmates to make your group. If you do not have a group, we will work day-of to add you to a group if possible. Following the rules of Ript: Showdown, you’ll select someone in your group to supply the deck for play. Only that deck may be used during play - no combining decks or adding cards. Play your round of disc golf. When finished, come back to the registration desk and let us know the winner of the round. The winner of the Ript: Showdown round will receive an additional 5 raffle tickets at this time. Prizes are drawn at the conclusion of the round at roughly 2:30 PM. OPTIONAL: Having lots of fun? Craft that winning strategy? You are able to replay the event again for an additional $10. Money will be added from your additional rounds to the cash prizes, increasing the prize pool each time you play! You also get 2 more raffle tickets with the replay option for more chances to win. Make sure to check in prior to your replay round to let us know you’re going back out and to pay for your round.
This event is designed with fun in mind, not a strict by the book disc golf round. The concept of Ript: Showdown is to sabotage competitors on your card with “Move your tee to X spot” or “throw with a mini for the next shot” type cards. Remember to keep good sportsmanship in mind as you battle on the course. Follow the rules of the game as well as the modified rules that RIPT: Showdown introduces.
Using the raffle ticket format, you don’t have to stay until the end. Just ensure your full name and phone number are on each of your raffle tickets!
Prizes and cash:
CTP’s - There will be CTP’s available on certain holes. Entry into the event ensures you’re playing for any CTP’s available! We go lighter on CTP’s and heavier on raffle due to the nature of Ript: Showdown! Rules allowing movement of a disc lie.
Ace Fund - If anyone gets an ace, they’ll get the entire ace pot. If more than one ace is hit, the pot will be split with the winners, rounded to the nearest dollar, for as many people that hit an ace. If no one hits, a circle of fire will be conducted.
Cash Prizes - There will be 10 cash prizes. $8 per player is added to the total prize pool for each registrant. For example, if 50 players register and play, $350 will be in the cash prize pool. In this example, there would be Qty 10 $35 prizes. Cash prizes will be paid digitally via PayPal after the event concludes, (cash if available)
Physical Raffle Prizes - We will have discs and other disc golf equipment. We are also accepting donations if you want to contribute to this fun event!
How do you win cash or physical prizes with the raffle tickets you get?
Pick-A-Prize raffle will be used. Anyone who wins their card according to the Ript rules gets 5 raffle tickets upon round completion. In addition, each player will have been given two raffle tickets upon check-in prior to your round. There will be different raffle entry dropboxes to drop your tickets into. One for cash prizes (qty 10 cash prize raffle boxes), and another (possible multiples) for physical prizes. For example, there may be two stacks of discs which might have two separate ticket dropboxes. You would have to choose which disc stack you wanted to use your raffle entries for. The same would apply if you go for cash. You can drop your ticket into the drawing of your choice to better increase your odds or go for that prize you’ve got your eye on. Cash prizes will be paid digitally via PayPal after the event ends.
Aces will be paid digitally or cash if available after the event ends.
Ript:Showdown Rules:
1. Deal out 3 cards to each player/team at the beginning of the round. These cards make up each player's hand.
2. Look at the “Play Text” on the card to see when each card can be played.
3. Each player can only play one card per hole, and each player can only have one card played on him/her per hole.
4. When a card is played the “Card Action” is carried out. The played card then goes to the bottom of the game deck.
5. In Ript Revenge the players are competing for skins and cards on each hole. The player who has the lowest score (untied) on a hole wins a skin, and everyone else playing gets a card. If there is a tie and no one wins the hole outright, then no skins or cards are won for that hole. If this happens then the skin/card value is carried over and added to the following hole. For example, if three holes in a row are played without a winner, then the fourth hole is worth 4 skins for the winner and 4 cards for each losing player. This gives the losing players ammunition to get revenge.
6. No one can hold more than 7 cards in his/her hand at any time. If a player has more than 7 cards that player must choose to play or discard down to 7 cards.
7. Discarded cards go to the bottom of the game deck.
All other Disc Golf rules apply. At the end of the round the player with the most skins (after any card modifiers) is the winner.
Dictionary for card terminology:
Thumber – A type of grip and overhead throw where the thumb is placed on the inside of the rim. The disc will rotate clockwise during flight and fade to the right.
Tomahawk – A type of overhead throw resembling a tomahawk chop. The disc is released at or near a vertical angle. Also referred to as a hammer throw.
Upshot (approach) – The shot that will get close enough to the basket to putt.
Turbo putt – Also called a pizza putt. The player holds the disc flat, about head height, with their thumb underneath the disc and fingers around the edge of the rim. The disc is thrown toward the basket with a spinning motion.
Straddle putt – A putting technique where a player faces the basket with their legs spread apart. Commonly used when a disc lands behind an obstacle.
Roller – A type of throw where the player gets the disc to land on its side and roll in a favorable direction.
Scooby shot (also Grenade) – A shot where the disc is held upside down. Can be used to get over a tall obstacle, or to slide the disc along the ground.
Sidearm / Forehand / Flick – (see Forehand) A throwing technique with the palm down and thumb on top similar to a baseball sidearm throw.
Spike hyzer – A type of throw where a disc leaves the players hand at a steep hyzer angle so the disc will fly high, then come back down at a steep angle.
Off Hand – A type of throw where the player throws with their non-dominant hand.
Push putt – A style of putting where little spin is put on the disc. Instead, the disc is pushed, or shoveled, toward the basket.
OB (out of bounds) – An area outside the playing area of a course. Discs landing OB result in a penalty stroke.
Overhead shot – Also known as overhand. A type of throw where the disc is released in an upward motion. Usually with a tomahawk or thumber grip.
Mando – Short for ‘mandatory’. The route a disc must take around an object, such as a tree or pole. Usually, an arrow will mark the direction the disc must take. With double mandos, the disc must pass between the two objects.
Mini marker (or mini) – A small disc used to mark the lie of a disc. It is placed in front of the disc (toward the basket) and the disc is picked up. The thrower’s foot must be within 30cm of the mini on the next throw.
Mulligan – A second chance or redo on a shot. Mulligans are often sold for fundraisers at charity disc golf tournaments.
Jump putt – A technique used for putting outside of the 10-meter circle. A player jumps toward the basket while putting to give the disc more speed and a longer flight.
Lie – The spot where a disc comes to rest. A player can leave the disc where it is to mark the lie, or use a mini marker
Hyzer – When a player throws a disc at an angle (for a RHBH player) that has the right side of the disc higher than the left upon release. Can be used to hyzer flip a disc or increase the amount of fade to the left.
Drop zone – An area designated as a spot to throw from if the prior throw missed a mando or goes Out of Bounds (OB).
Drive – The first throw from a tee pad. Can also refer to a long subsequent throw.
Circle, the – Refers to the 10-meter circle around a basket. Whether a disc lies in or out of the circle determines how a player may putt. (see 10-meter circle)
Cost breakdown for transparency
Event cost
Deck of Ript cards (hoping to get this cost down)
$6.00 (wholesale price)
Ace Fund
Cash Prizes
Club Fundraiser/Pavilion access
Replays cost: $10
7.00 into cash prizes, $3.00 to club
Refund policy
Basket Cases Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.