Basket Assassination (ADV, REC, Juniors)

PDGA C/B-tier

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Hosted by Essential Discs


  • Sat
    Nov 10


    Registration / Check-in


    Players meeting


    Tee off


MA1 Mixed Am 1 $35
FA1 Women's Am 1 $35
MM1 Adv Master $35
MA3 Mixed Am 3 $35
FA3 Women's Am 3 $35
MJ2 Junior II - Boys $20
FJ2 Junior II - Girls $20

About this tournament

Pros: $55
Ams: $35
Juniors: $20

There will be 3 temp holes like previous years. We may also be adding one more additional hole! Awards to be handed out include Michigan Bag Tag Divisional trophies and Essential Series Trophies.

If you win you can use your winnings from this event to register for the next day. The entry fee would be +$10 from normal registration. So if you win $55 you can register for Pro for $10 additional dollars.