
Basket Assassination 2010

PDGA B-tier · Sat-Sun, Nov 13-14, 2010Nov 2010 · Kalamazoo, MI

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Lawrence Leonardi Scores are posted!!! If you do not have a PDGA number and wish to have your score linked I need your e-mail address!

Also If anyone would like a BOB MOB Crystal Buzzz There are still some available for $15 at
Nov 25, 2010
Lawrence Leonardi scores are posted at PDGA.COM and should be posted here as soon as I can. Been on the road since the tournament and should be back in north carolina with a steady internet connection outide of my phone by thursday... Then again any admin could post the scores it doesn't have to be the TD.
Nov 24, 2010
Daniel J Lee Does anybody else get really annoyed by TD's taking forever to post scores? Seriously, what is up with that?? Nov 24, 2010
Lance Bayliss When will scores be posted?? Nov 18, 2010
Lawrence Leonardi Found an aluminum Drink container that was left at tournament central. If it is yours we would like to get it back to you. Please let us know any distinguishing features so we can verify owner. Nov 17, 2010
Brandon "Double B" Butler Lost a clear champ rhyno during the tourney Saturday on hole one forty short right of the bucket name and number on inside rim, if u picked it up please return Nov 16, 2010
tim feldpausch I prereged on at about 7:45. 26466 Advanced Exceptional weather-can't wait. Nov 13, 2010
dan carrigan Dan carrigan. #43248 am3. Hope its not too late to preregister
Nov 13, 2010
Zak Fortuna Name/division/pdga#(if u have one) Nov 13, 2010
Nick Eldred hey i'm new on the scene, how do i pre reg. for this? Nov 12, 2010
Lawrence Leonardi Wow it looks like the weather is going to be Exceedingly beautiful for this time of year! Saturday in the 60s sunday in the low to mid 50s. Nov 12, 2010
Mark A Roberts Mark A Roberts #15229 Adv-Open please remove me from both days I have no WLLZ if I can Get a ride I'll be there thanks Nov 12, 2010
Zak Fortuna Would love to play but does not look like im going to be able to due to moneys. Sorry about that. Nov 11, 2010
Michael manning mike manning can't make it Nov 11, 2010
Wade TF Everyone is playing the concrete pads. Most holes have am and junior pads marked by crushed stone and sometimes a 2x4 as well. We played league twice from the short pads during the season. Pretty fun actually. Nov 10, 2010
Bryce Watson Remove Bryce from the Tourney Plz!! Nov 10, 2010
Corey Kieft Please remove Corey Kieft AM1 #38964, can't make it sorry. Nov 10, 2010
Eirik Kauserud I've never seen another let alone 2 other sets of tees. I must be crazy.
Nov 10, 2010
Douglas McIntosh I've never played this course, I was looking at DGCR and it shows 3 sets of Tees, which ones will everyone be using Nov 10, 2010
Hits Trees yeah sorry i live in Muskegon and can only get a ride down on Sunday. Nov 10, 2010
Lawrence Leonardi Andrew are you sure you don't want to play both days? Nov 10, 2010
Hits Trees I'm playing day 2 now remove me from rec please. Nov 10, 2010
Wade TF HAHA Nov 10, 2010
Brian DeVries LOL Blazo he's playing both days but i'm sure he's gonna clean house in AM1 Nov 10, 2010
Lawrence Leonardi Online Registration closes at 8pm on the 12th! Nov 8, 2010
Sean Blazo roberts playin am1 on a home course? baaaaaaaaaaaaagerrrrrr Nov 7, 2010
Aaron Nitz Register Aaron Nitz, 22315 open on sunday and am 1 on saturday (and yes, my rating is less than 970 ;) Nov 5, 2010
mike little evil buist Would love to be there but who will buy me a plain ticket from Pocatello to Kalamazoo. If some one will Little Evil would show. I can find a place to stay just need a free plain ticket.... Nov 5, 2010
Mark A Roberts Mark A Roberts Am1 #15229 Nov 5, 2010
Juan Aguirre Juan Aguirre AM2 43485 Nov 5, 2010
Brandon "Double B" Butler For some reason I am registered in am1 and am3, I think you have me confused with Brandon beuter for am 1 Nov 5, 2010
Nicholas Barnes BARNES #36677 Intermediate. Donating a USDGC Roc to the Raffle! Nov 4, 2010
Hits Trees Sorry I can only play day 1 can you switch me to AM3 please thank you Andrew Balcom. Nov 4, 2010
Brandon Bueter kim carlson rec women 40127 Nov 3, 2010
Brandon Bueter brandon bueter 35733 am 1 Nov 3, 2010
Brandon "Double B" Butler It looks like Saturday is am1 am3 masters and am women, Sunday pro men and women am2 and am 4 Nov 3, 2010
Brandon "Double B" Butler Um I don't know where you got your info but novice is always am4 rec is am3 intermediate is am2 and Advanced is am1. If you need to go to the player division grid under rules on pdga, it spells out all divisions Nov 3, 2010
Michael manning can you switch am1 plz mike manning Nov 3, 2010
Aaron Gabrielse aaron gabrielse am1 37485 Nov 3, 2010
Brandon "Double B" Butler Thanks I was hoping rec and pro didn't play on the same day cause my caddy plays open haha Nov 3, 2010
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