Eric Lyninger
If anyone practicing Friday found a cranberry red discmania Xstamped(red and blue discmania bar stamp)midrange, I would love to get it back and will pay reward for its return. May 27, 2022
Joel Jones
Is the temp course located at the same park that the original course is at? May 27, 2022
Randy Singleton
Players meeting posted in video section... Caddy Books will be handed out @ Check-in Sunday morning.. baskets should be in place by 7 AM... see you all this weekend. Safe travels & UNKlove to everybody!! May 25, 2022
Tara Cravens May 24, 2022We have a dubs event going on Saturday. The plan is to let the play the temp course 1st and after lunch playing the original course. Should be able to play after 1:00
Casey Malone
I think I accidentally registered twice. Was on the waitlist and just tried to pay the entry fee and now it has me on their twice. Sorry! May 23, 2022
Trey Dollar
Can I get the applicable PDGA refund for Jackie Dollar? I have used discgolfscene for myself, but we registered together and I can’t edit my dads. Thanks for the help! May 14, 2022
Blake Stanley Apr 30, 2022Hey Jason, we will be doing a restructuring of the divisions mid May as long as the event isn’t full. Be sure to get on the waiting list as we will be adding those spots where we can.