Bankers' Day #5 - Yeet-pendence Day

PDGA logoSunday, July 7, 2024 at Angel Mounds in Newburgh, Indiana
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Bankers' Day #5 - Yeet-pendence Day graphic


Tournament DirectorKevin Vashon
Assistant Tournament DirectorJoe Keith

About this tournament

Bankers' Day #5 - Angel Mounds Blue and Gold

1 Round of 18, C-tier event (Flex Start) - Angel Mounds Blue/Golds (Even/Odds)

WALK-UP POLICY: Players are welcome to walk up but will be used as fillers for tee times that do not already have a 3+ man card. IF a tee time is not being used, you're welcome to walk up for that time slot. Cards must have 3-5 players. Preregistration is very important for Flex Starts to avoid delays and waiting. Please consider registering online.

This is a series of events that will take place on Bankers' Days off that I happen to share, which should be all/most of them.

All Pro Payouts will be through PayPal
All Amateur Payouts will be through Kevolution

Series Schedule:
February 19th - Haubstadt Township Park, Haubstadt, IN.
April 8th - Mesker Woods, Evansville, IN.
May 27th - Memorial Day - Brittle Bank Park, Mount Vernon, IN
June 19th - Juneteenth NID - Henderson Hills Shorts - Henderson KY
July 4th - Independence Day - Angel Mounds, Evansville, IN
September 2nd - Labor Day - New Lake, Oakland City, Oakland, IN
October 14th - Columbus Day - Henderson Hybrid, Henderson, KY
November 11th - Veterans Day - TBD

No player packs for this series

All players will earn points in the series.

A cancelation fee of 5$ will be assessed to all refund requests

Refund policy

5$ cancelation/refund fee
Kevolution DG is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Final Results

PDGA results at
Round 1: Angel Mounds - Odds Gold/Even Blues, 18 holes, par 57
1Eric Erok D4848$61
1Zack Custer4848$61
3Derek Hartweck4949$34
4Polo Navarro5050$24
5Mitchell Henderlong5151
6Rick Mitchell5252
7Matt Nance5353
8Kyle Armstrong5858
9Micah Stanley-0
Round 1: Angel Mounds - Odds Gold/Even Blues, 18 holes, par 57
1Ron Litton4949
2Daymon Ward6363
Round 1: Angel Mounds - Odds Gold/Even Blues, 18 holes, par 57
1Brittney Rizen5454$20
Round 1: Angel Mounds - Odds Gold/Even Blues, 18 holes, par 57
1Jaima Cartwright5151$20
Round 1: Angel Mounds - Odds Gold/Even Blues, 18 holes, par 57
1Keven Nutt4444$50
2Neil Kippenbrock5151$30
3James Melchiors5252
4Justin Pemberton5656
Round 1: Angel Mounds - Odds Gold/Even Blues, 18 holes, par 57
1Kevin Vashon5353$40
2Matt Latham6464
Round 1: Angel Mounds - Odds Gold/Even Blues, 18 holes, par 57
1Kyle Henderlong5555$40
2Kody Merrell-0
Round 1: Angel Mounds - Odds Gold/Even Blues, 18 holes, par 57
1Tyler Brenton5050$63
2Tim Huffman5151$57
3Trey Brazell5353$51
4Chad Brantley5454$36
4Cory Brown5454$36
4Gil Weinel5454$36
7Shawn Montgomery5555$21
8Alexander Baxter5656
8Chris Agerton5656
8Joe Keith5656
8Logan Barrow5656
12Mike P Wagner5757
12Rodney Travis5757
14Andrew Hurt5858
15Jamie Miller6363
Round 1: Angel Mounds - Odds Gold/Even Blues, 18 holes, par 57
1Matt Hopkins5757$45
2Kent Blue5858$33
3Kyle A Crook5959$22
4Barry Hurt6161
5Kyle Denbo6363
Round 1: Angel Mounds - Odds Gold/Even Blues, 18 holes, par 57
1Amber Brazell6464$20
1Jennie Greathouse-Nance6464$20
Round 1: Angel Mounds - Odds Gold/Even Blues, 18 holes, par 57
1Alina Melcher6767$40
2Madalyn Coble7070
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