This is a 1 round flex start C-Tier at La Vista in Godfrey, IL.
Flex start between 9 AM - 2 PM.
MPO, MP40, and MA1 will play blues, all other divisions will play whites.
All online registrations will be handled through discgolfscene. Walk up registrations will be accepted and payment can be made via PayPal or cash.
All players must start on hole 1. Any cards going out after 1 PM will be asked to keep to 3-4 tops for pace of play.
Pros paid in cash.
Ams paid in online vouchers to Great Lakes Disc.
PDGA Live scoring will be utilized for this event.
Add Ons at Registration:
$4 50/50 CTP- Donation to STLDGC/STLTL
$2 50/50 CTP- Donation to La Vista
Free CTPs:
-Disc of Choice
-2024 Am Worlds Stamped Westside VIP Ice Orbit Underworld
-Whites GLD Hole (Trucker Hat, Sunglasses, and Limited Edition ESP Zone)
-Blues GLD Hole ($10 Gift Card to online store)
-Discraft Hole (Big Z Venom and Squeeze Water Bottle)
-Free entry into final round of Summer Traveling League (8/23 at Unger)
-Longest Putt- Clip on bird sauce and towel
This is NOT a part of the holiday c-eries tour