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About this tournament
This is the Brett and Litt Annual Halloween Tournament to raise money for us to play softball in Las Vegas.
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This is the Brett and Litt Annual Halloween Tournament to raise money for us to play softball in Las Vegas.
We will start registration at 830AM on Saturday then we will start the first round at 9AM have a little break around 11AM to 12PM for lunch. Then we will place everyone into upper and lower divisions based on how they did in the first round. We will start a 2nd round around 1PM but will only play 9 holes. Lower division will play the front 9 and upper division will play the back 9 for the 2nd round. 1st place in each division will get a gift card to somewhere. Haven't decided where yet.
There will be unlimited mulligans to purchase for your team at $1 per mulligan per person. We will also be doing a lot of different raffles. There will be CTP's during the 1st round,. We will have a 50/50 raffle and we will have a longest drive contest and more.
We will also be selling hot dogs, burgers, chips, soda, water, and candy for lunch
I'm going to do it through udisc just gotta look at it tonight and create it
OK hopefully more people sign up! We have until tomorrow to sign up?
I just created it on udisc
It says on udisc registration doesn't open till the 12th
Now it should work
Also I know there's going to be like 5 or 6 more teams that will be there just didn't sign up and were going to register in person
That's awesome! Great day for it.