Brian Shintaku
Due to scheduling conflicts, this event will be canceled. Refunds will be sent out shortly, sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Thanks May 3
Brian Shintaku Apr 25Script and or cash payout depending on division
Vitaliy Kudrik
My partner and I are open to joining someone anytime on Thursday. Not sure how we are supposed to coordinate aside from on this chat so if anyone wants to play with some mixed-ams feel free to message me. :) Apr 17
Crystal Kiesow May 3We would love to play with you guys! We will be coming from out of town so not sure on timing yet but can dial something down if you have a preference?
Crystal Kiesow
I was wondering if you need an active PDGA membership to participate in this? Apr 16
Brian Shintaku Apr 16Active PDGA is not necessary! Hope to see you there!