BOULDERS!!!!!!!!!!! 2018

Saturday, April 28, 2018 at Swan Falls Disc Golf Course in Kuna, Idaho
Disc golf singles tournament

About this tournament

BOULDERS!!!!!!! Is a very old event that has been passed down from passionate disc golfer to passionate disc golfer. A 3 day event, and 1 day tourney that's about partying and having fun. Come camp out with us at swan falls for some fun in the desert! 100% cash payouts, with all raffle money donated to Gem State Disc Golf Club.

Raffle donations greatly appreciated, used or new, we want it all. As well as firewood donation, as we go threw a lot.

We will need 12 baskets. I have 3, so anybody that has one, please bring. The more we get, the more holes I can add.

Tourney is only on Saturday, but we highly recommend camping out for the weekend to get in the full BOULDERS!!!!! Experience.

I will be bringing a 5 gallon keg of pale ale for whoever wants a pull off of it. Free till its gone.

13 Hole course

Open - $20
Adv - $15
Women's - $10

5:00PM Random draw doubles after course set up. $5 or whatever we figure out.

8:00AM Sign Ups
9:15AM Players Meeting
9:30AM Tee Off 2 rounds
1:00PM Lunch
2:00PM Tee Off Safari Round
3:30PM Payouts/Awards/Raffle/Ring of fire
5:00PM PARTY!!!

10:00AMish Random Draw Doubles $5 or whatever we figure out.
12:00PM Course tear down

Refund policy

Terek Worley is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.
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