BDGA University Tour 24/25 - Stop #1 - September @ Longford

PDGA C-tier

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Hosted by UK Universities Disc Golf


  • Sat
    Sep 28


    Check-In Opens


    Player's Meeting


    Round 1
    MA1/FA1/RAH - Blue Tees
    MA4/FA4 - Red Tees




    Round 2
    MA1/FA1/RAH - Blue Tees
    MA4/FA4 - Red Tees




MA1 Mixed Am 1 £10
FA1 Women's Am 1 £10
MA4 Mixed Am 4 £10
FA4 Women's Am 4 £10
RAH Blue [rating <970] £15

About this tournament

The first event in the BDGA Univeristy tour will be at Longford Park on Saturday 28th September. Join us for an excellent day of disc golf!

The aim of the BDGA University tour is to grow the sport within our student population and find the best student disc golfers in the country. Our aim is to keep these events as accessible as possible financially and any profits will go straight back into developing disc golf in universities across the UK.

This is based off the success of last season’s team who played the Collegiate Disc Golf Nationals in South Carolina, USA in April 2024. This event allowed us to showcase the UK’s best student disc golfers and we are searching for our next team!

5 divisions are on offer at this tournament:

M/FA1 = Student ONLY experienced division (>1 year playing/ above rating cap for normal M/FA4)
M/FA4 = Student ONLY beginner division (<1 year playing)
RAH = Non-student division
The TD reserves the right to move/refund places incorrectly registered for. PDGA membership is not required for competitors.

The tournament will consist of two rounds, played along the blue course for the experienced and non-student divisions, and the red course for the beginner divisions.

Refund policy

UK Universities Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.