BCDC Quarterly #1 - Friendly Acres

Singles tournament

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Hosted by Bull City Disc Club

Part of BCDC Quarterlies - 2024


B. McCoy Brad McCoy UPP
R. Burnette Rich Burnette UPP
J. Tiller Josh Tiller LOW
K. White Kelly White WM


  • Sat
    Mar 16

    9:00am - 9:45am

    Check-in 9:00-9:45.
    1st round Tee at 10:00am
    1 hour lunch
    2nd round Tee at approx 1:30 (TBD)

    10:00am - 12:30pm

    1st round Tee at 10:00am

    12:30pm - 1:30pm

    Lunch Break

    1:30pm - 3:30pm

    2nd round Tee at approx 1:30 (TBD)


UPP Uppers - PDGA rating > 925 $35
LOW Lowers - PDGA rating < 925 $35
WM Women's Division $35

About this tournament

Check-in 9:00-9:45.
1st round Tee at 10:00am
1 hour lunch
2nd round Tee at approx 1:30 (TBD)

I recommend that you bring lunch as there are not many places close by for takeout.

This is the first Quarterly Singles Event for BCDC in 2024. We have decided to change the format this year to quarterly events rather than monthlies. We have reached out to some private course owners, and they have graciously agreed to host events at their private courses.

Friendly Acres Address:
824 Hidden Acres Lane
Chapel Hill NC 27516

Event Capacity:
As these are smaller venues, each of the events will be limited to 52 players.

Event Cost Breakdown:
Each event will cost $35 which includes Ace Pool Entry ($2), End of Season Points Payout ($3) and Event Payout ($20).

Division Info:
There will be 3 divisions offered: Pro, Am and Women's. Each division will have their own Event Payout (top 40% each division) and Points Payouts (top 3 each division). An optional $5 CTP(s) buy in will likely be available at time of registration.

Practicing the course ahead of the event:
This is a private course, please contact the owner to play here outside of this tournament.

Refund policy

Bull City Disc Club is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.