Autumn Ace Race

Sunday, October 1, 2023 at Ostpark Rüsselsheim in Rüsselsheim, Germany
Disc golf singles tournament

Autumn Ace Race graphic

About this tournament

Basket fundraiser for the Wiesbaden Disc Golf Club. We now have 5 baskets in the Wiesbaden area and are looking to get more.

This will be a 50/50 fundraiser tournament.
50% will go to the basket fund.
50% will go to the payout for 1st, 2nd, 3rd.

Every player will have 3 consecutive throws at the tee box. All holes are under 200ft.
Ace = 5 pts
Chain hit = 3 pts
Metal hit cage and up = 1 pt

Player with the most points after 30 holes wins. Aces will be the first tie breaker.

There will also be a raffle for a retriever and laser range finder. Pts = tickets. Tickets will also be for sale day of 2,00 / ticket.

Refund policy

Wiesbaden Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.


Ostpark Rüsselsheim
Rüsselsheim, Germany   Get Directions
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