Armory Disc Golf TDTG Silver Tier Flex - Turner Park #2

PDGA logoFriday, March 10, 2023 at Turner Park in Grand Prairie, Texas
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Armory Disc Golf TDTG Silver Tier Flex - Turner Park #2 graphic

About this tournament

Throwing Down the Gauntlet Silver Tier Event

- 1 Round Flex Start
- Payouts distributed same day or next day via PayPal (pros) or eGift card (ams)
- Participation ALSO earns you points towards the Invitational Championship
- Play for fun, play for $1000s! More info on TDTG:

First tee time is 9 am last time is 3 pm
Cards of 3-5 players
Register online or in person

Refund policy

Armory Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.
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