April Fools' Shenanigan Doubles
Comments 37 following
About this tournament
Chris Smith March 28, 2013 at 2:26am
I got a big box of shirts from team disc jock in the mail today.
Chris Smith March 27, 2013 at 3:10pm
Today is a two for one. The baskets on holes 1 and B will be in an "altered state".
Chris Smith March 27, 2013 at 2:17am
There will be a DD Escape for the player that sinks the longest putt on 13. This disc was also donated by Dynamic Discs.
Chris Smith March 26, 2013 at 5:20am
We are two players away from the half century mark! We may reach 80 players by the day of the tournament after all.
First, this is the perfect tournament for a player out of practice. It's worst shot doubles, they will use most of their own throws. Plus the prizes will be spread out to all skill levels. I have a 96 player cap (one card on each hole). I can't imagine reaching that many players but if we do, We'll have to figure something out...
Thanks. I'm going to try to get firm answers, and if they can't do it themselves, I'll let you know they're coming.
Chris Smith March 25, 2013 at 2:49pm
The special rule for today is dedicated to my friend Gary. We used to play nine holes at Grand Woods during our lunch break. We can't really throw straight so if the disc hit a tree we would throw from where it landed without counting a stroke. On hole A, if your disc hits a tree, throw from where it landed without counting a stroke (It will be possible to get a 0 on hole A and therefore it is not eligible for the ace pool).
Matt Dimick March 25, 2013 at 4:03am
Matt Dimick 31711
Justin Abram March 25, 2013 at 1:58am
Justin Abram #52764
Chris Smith March 24, 2013 at 9:30pm
On hole nine, you will need to release your drive upside down and below your ears (no pancakes or tilted thumbers).
Chris Smith March 23, 2013 at 4:33pm
Who knows the insanity that today will bring. I'm posting this before life gets in the way. On hole six, everyone will be driving with their putter.
Chris Smith March 23, 2013 at 5:32am
By popular demand I will be doing a $2 ace pool and $3 50/50 CTP for anyone that is interested.
Hole A will not be eligible for the Ace pool (for reasons to be explained later).
Chris Smith March 22, 2013 at 11:34pm
Two bits of news today. First, we may have a custom stamped disc for sale at the tournament for anyone interested. More details as I get them.
Second, hole four will have a CTR (closest to the rock) which was originally created by the guy who's fault it is that I am running this tournament in the first place. If Patrick hadn't asked if I wanted to go back to a tournament that I hated last year, I never would have decided to make a better one. The winner of the CTR will receive a brand new Dynamic Discs Fugitive.
Chris Smith March 22, 2013 at 2:27am
Today's tidbit.
On hole three, the opposing team will pick which side of the big pine tree is the mando (most will pick the right).
Dan Jenkins March 21, 2013 at 8:33am
Dan Jenkins 20960
Chris Smith March 21, 2013 at 2:32am
I'm going to start letting the cat out of the bag on contests, special rules, and prizes one day at a time. There will be several prizes which are given out from a pool of prizes as a winner's choice so don't worry if you don't hit one of these.
A "disc to be named later" which is being donated by Skidmore's Village Cycle Shop will be given away for the longest putt on hole 2. http://www.villagecycleshop.com/
Chris Smith March 18, 2013 at 3:10pm
I believe that tomorrow is the last day to order the $5 tournament shirts. If you are interested, don't procrastinate too long.
we can still order tomorrow right? or is it tonight at midnight?
The email with details that I have says "Tentatively set for March 15th through March 19th." There will also be a chance to order a shirt afterward but it will be more expensive.
Chris Smith March 18, 2013 at 1:52am
Received prizes from Dogleg disc golf and Frankenmuth Brewery today.
Chris Burt March 17, 2013 at 8:59pm
How many holes are we playing? Casey Latchaw and I are registered but have a birthday party celebration later that day. Trying to coordinate everything.
we are going to play a single round of 24 as long as they are dry enough to play. We may have to pull the last couple of holes if they are under water.
Chris Smith March 17, 2013 at 4:13am
The t-shirts are working now. I guess one person ordered one and payed $2 more than they should have. Jason Carver from Team Disc Jock will be contacting you to get you your $2 back. If you enter the code 'Charlotte-Shenanigans' you will get $5 off of your shirt. This will make it $5 total with free shipping. They will also bundle any other purchase into the free shipping. Thanks for your patience.
Thanks for your diligence. I'll bring an extra brew especially for you. Any preference?
Chris Smith March 16, 2013 at 4:06pm
Ok, the coupon code for the t-shirts is 'Charlotte-Shenanigans' and it should make the shirt $5 and give you free shipping. They will also give you free shipping on anything else that you buy from the site in that purchase. Everything will be shipped to me and I will hand it out at the tournament. After the tournament is over there will be one more chance to get the shirt but it will be $7.50 and you will have to pay shipping. Sorry for the confusion.
Players will need to enter the discount code of Charlotte-Shenanigans at checkout to get the price noted. The price is the same as noted before ($5 now, $7.50 later), but the discount works a little differently. It will show up as free shipping with a $5 discount on the shirt in the March sale and f ... more
Ok, that came out weird. The second post is their email to me.
Chris Smith March 16, 2013 at 5:46am
The shirts are up on teamdiscjock.com but the prices are screwed up. Please hold off on placing an order until I figure out what is going on. Thanks.
i am not seeing anything on their site. i think they may have pulled it back off.
They are back up now. Looks like regular sizes are $12. Is that about right?
They quoted way lower but there may have been a screw up. I'll find out and post the info.
Just out of curiosity, are players who fail to register beforehand welcome to play? I know it would be better if they did, but I have a couple friends who are on the fence about this due to lack of practice this year.