Jay B
I apologize for the late notice, I also will not be able to make it tomorrow Apr 19, 2019
Bryan Hathaway
Unfortunately I will have to withdraw from the tournament. I tweaked my ankle real bad and cannot afford to hear it... I'm super bummed and am sorry. Apr 19, 2019
Brandon Sorensen Apr 18, 2019you still gonna have baskets for me brother
Frank "Chip" Youmans
Hey Rick or Brandon, I see you got me regged as Chip. But I just paid to be wait listed as Frank. So just letting you know I paid and you can scratch the Chip one. Lol thx. See ya Sat with my basket! Apr 18, 2019
Tony Rohrer
You can remove tony Rohrer 62495 from the waitlist. Unfortunately things have come up and I will not be able to attend even if I make it in. Sorry. Apr 18, 2019