ApeX Point Series . Spring Fling - Corbin

Saturday, April 9, 2022 at Corbin Park in Post Falls, Idaho
Disc golf singles tournament

ApeX Point Series . Spring Fling - Corbin graphic

About this tournament

Round 1 of Spring Fling will be hosted by CORBIN PARK DGC in Post Falls, ID.

Spring Fling is a 6 week PDGA sanctioned league.

Spring Fling will feature 6 different courses over the entirety of the league.

Cost per round is $20 and includes entry into the ACEPOT, CTP and CASH PAYOUTS for ALL DIVISIONS.

Once each round has concluded, you can view results, including scores and round ratings @

A Season Pass is available for purchase until 04/08/22.

A Season Pass will automatically get you entry to ALL 6 events of the Spring Fling PDGA sanctioned league.

There are NO refunds for any events missed with a Season Pass.

Spring Fling is also part of the ApeX Point Series, for more information on the ApeX Point Series, please visit:


Refund policy

ApeX Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.

Refund requests made within 48 hours of the event are subject to a $10 service fee. No Call / No Shows will receive no refund.


Corbin Park
Post Falls, ID   Get Directions

Final Results


George Crowder$114.00 for Hole 1 on Main course, 18 permanent holes
Round 1: Corbin Park - 18 permanent holes, 18 holes, par 54
1Jack Griffing4444
2Zachary Schweikert4646
3Brooke Hughes-Brauner4747
3J. Hunter Way4747
5Dillon Pelkey4848
6Huntington Coats5050
7Edwin Rodriguez5252
8Chris Wheeler5353
Round 1: Corbin Park - 18 permanent holes, 18 holes, par 54
1Jeff Young4545
2Tim Gisel5151
3Adam Berry5252
3Josh Fish5252
3Yosef Ecks Krajewski5252
6Chris Walker5555
Round 1: Corbin Park - 18 permanent holes, 18 holes, par 54
1Tyler Black4545
2Isaiah Hoon4747
3Caleb Secrest4848
3George Crowder4848
5Christian Cook4949
5Daniel Knott4949
7Jon Mendez5050
7Trevor Mort5050
9Steven Komrofske5151
10Nolan Howell5353
Round 1: Corbin Park - 18 permanent holes, 18 holes, par 54
1Sean Cumpton5050
2Noah Kearl5151
3Jeremy Shay5555
Round 1: Corbin Park - 18 permanent holes, 18 holes, par 54
1Bobby Shaw5151
2Andre Al5252
2Andre Al5252
4Todd Clough5656
5Keith Williams6464
Round 1: Corbin Park - 18 permanent holes, 18 holes, par 54
1Makenzi Baker4949
1Zak Bosley4949
3Kyle Curtis5050
4Joshua Vincent5151
4Rick Allen5151
6Evan Carlos5252
6Joseph Benjamin5252
6Tom Wood5252
9Justin Picard5353
10Zachary Iskat5454
11Cameron Myers5555
11Nubbz .5555
13Keith Christensen5656
14Nicholas King5858
15Alan Labrador6363
16Tony Weinberguer6565
Round 1: Corbin Park - 18 permanent holes, 18 holes, par 54
1Don Gearhart5050
2Ethan Fish5252
3Josh Young5555
4Nick Perez5757
Round 1: Corbin Park - 18 permanent holes, 18 holes, par 54
1Jessica Jaklich6363
2EMILY Marsura6464
Round 1: Corbin Park - 18 permanent holes, 18 holes, par 54
1Tage King5757
2Griffin Jaklich5858
3Aaron Walker5959
3Samuel Richardson5959
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