Anderson Valley Brewing Presents the 2017 Safari

PDGA B-tier

Fri-Sun, September 15-17, 2017

Hosted by San Francisco Disc Golf Club


L. Todd Lesli Todd FPO
K. Couch Kevin Couch MPG
C. Murrell Cory Murrell MA1
C. Romaine Candace Romaine FA1
A. Wolverton Andrew Wolverton MG1
N. Vasquez Nelson Vasquez MA2


  • Thu
    Sep 14


    Pre-Safari Doubles - a SFDGC tradition! Format will be Random Draw or A/B Pool Random Pairs, depending on turnout.

    - $10/player entry. 100% Payout.

    - Optional $5 mulligans (max 2 per team), proceeds benefit the Beautification Project.

    - SFDGC Store will be open on site (cash purchases only, old scrip redemption and players pack pickup Fri - Sun only)

  • Fri
    Sep 15

    9:00am - 9:40am

    Player Check-In (Tournament Central)

    9:40am - 9:55am

    Players Meeting (Tournament Central)


    Round 1 - 30 Holes - Shotgun Start - Mixed Divisions

    7:00pm - 10:00pm

    Anderson Valley Brewing Players Party! SOMA Streat Food Park. Anderson Valley Beer and live music by the HyzerFlip Experience!

  • Sat
    Sep 16

    9:40am - 9:55am

    Players Meeting (Tournament Central)


    Round 2 - 30 Holes- Shotgun Start - Sorted by Division

    After 2nd Round the field will be cut by 33%.

    5:30pm - 9:00pm

    Barebottle Brewing Happy Hour!

    Richmond Republic Draught House. Players get their first Barebottle IPA for free! Happy Hour Pricing for tournament participants on all other beers! Live Music by the Ten Thousand Ways and CNVS.

  • Sun
    Sep 17

    8:00am - 1:00pm

    Round 3 - 18 Championship Holes - Tee Times

    MPM Lead Card: 10:20am
    FPO Lead Card: 12pm
    MPO Lead Card: 1pm

    Times subject to change, stay tuned to PDGA and tournament social media for final times

    Only the Top ~2/3rds of each division will qualify to play Sunday

    10:00am - 4:00pm

    Games and Events for anybody who does not make the cut. (Hole 9's fairway).

    Anyone who does not make the cut can come get a consolation prize from Tournament Central!

    SFDGC Store will be open for purchases and scrip redemption.


    Awards Ceremony to follow 3rd round ASAP. Start time may be affected. SFDGC Store will be open for purchases and scrip redemption.


SPON Sponsor Registration $0
MPO Mixed Pro Open $100
FPO Women's Pro Open $100
MPM Master $100
MPG GM $100
MA1 Mixed Am 1 $70
FA1 Women's Am 1 $70
MM1 Adv Master $70
MG1 Adv GM $70
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $70

About this tournament

Refund policy

San Francisco Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.