Am Bracket Challenge Presented by Freshwood

Monday, September 19, 2022 at Winstrom Preserve in Holland, Michigan
Disc golf singles tournament

Am Bracket Challenge Presented by Freshwood graphic


Tournament DirectorReid Frescura
Ass. Tournament DirectorJosh Wood

About this tournament

2 Divisions- 16 Players in each bracket.


In match play, the lowest score on a hole wins that hole. The match is over when one player or side leads by more holes than there are still to play. A 4&3 victory is when one side is four holes up with only three holes to play.

Under match play rules, one point is awarded to the winner of each hole in the round. This differs from traditional stroke play scoring in which players' cumulative shot totals at the end of a round, or rounds, determine the winner. If a hole is tied in match play scoring, no points are awarded to either player and the hole is considered "halved."

Once registration fills or on September 19th, we will randomize our bracket and you will have 1 week to play your matchup.

We will have a Facebook group created where all players can chat, contact each other for matchups, card up, and we’ll also post all updates on the FB page. Info will also be available in comments on the DGscene tournament page.

Top 4 in each bracket (if both fill) will be paid out.

Each matchup will decide where to play their round, in the event of a dispute Freshwood will have the final say on course decision. OB's must be agreed to before a round by each player.

Payouts will be in Freshwood bucks.

Sept. 19th- 25th- All 16 in each bracket will compete

Sept. 25- Oct. 2nd- Sweet 8 compete

Oct. 3rd- Oct. 9th- Elite 4 compete

Oct. 10th- Oct. 16th- Final Match

More info to come

Refund policy

Freshwood Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.



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