6th Annual Allgood at OggWood Driven by Innova

Saturday, July 11, 2020 at OggWood in Cedar Hill, Tennessee
Disc golf singles tournament

6th Annual Allgood at OggWood Driven by Innova graphic

About this tournament

Pro entry = $55
Amateur entry = $45

All Am players get a players pack worth over $80.. so trophies only for 1st per division. With more then 3 players.

All Open players get a premium disc only! Then Top 1/3 paid out via PayPal and 1st place trophy per division.

Ace pot and CTP included in entry fee, and aces will be paid out via PayPal. If no one gets an ace, there will be no throw-off; the funds will be used toward OggWood DGC maintenance fund. Cash CTP will be paid out with PayPal
Layout subject to change
One round 18 hole layout at Oggwood DGC

Start at Hole 1.

Tee Times with groups up to 5 people.

Tee Times will be posted after close of registration at 6pm, Saturday 7/10/2020.

Tee Times run from 8:30am - 3:30pm. 15 minutes between tee times.

Check in 10 minutes prior to Tee Time.

Preregistration is mandatory and entry will be accepted via PayPal only. There will be no day of sign ups!
Maintain 6 feet social distancing.
Please bring your own water and snacks.
Only touch your own discs.
Wash hands or use hand sanitizer.

YAY!!! We look forward to seeing y'all on the course

Refund policy

Flyin Colors is responsible for all refunds/cancellations. no refund 7 days or less. Unless emergency!!


Cedar Hill, TN   Get Directions

Final Results

Round 1: OggWood - original, 18 holes, par 54
1Sean Daugherty4545$160
2Donnie Wix4747$100
3Philip Belknap4747$100
4Stone Smith4848$55
5Nathaniel Romans4949
6Jake Broughton5050
6Jay Lumley5050
8Ian Cushman5252
9Joey Polk5454
10Alan Posey5555
Round 1: OggWood - original, 18 holes, par 54
1Shawn Aaron4949$160
2Charlie Mathews5050$75
2David B Harless5050$75
2Johnny Burlingame5050$75
2Phillip Sanders5050$75
6Russell Hammond5151$25
6Troll Biscuits5151$25
8Chris Wilson5252
8Steven Harless5252
10Aaron Moore5353
10Ed Burde5353
12Matt Gascoigne5454
13Phillip Dawson5555
Round 1: OggWood - original, 18 holes, par 54
1Kesley Sterner5757
Round 1: OggWood - original, 18 holes, par 54
1James Funk5151
2Craig Bennett5252
2Jordan Webster5252
4Jacob Gifford5454
5Philip Dixon5656
5Thomas Robinson5656
7Snype Burns5858
8Jorge Socorro Jr5959
Round 1: OggWood - original, 18 holes, par 54
1Jerry Pardue5151
2Aaron Dempton5454
3Monte Davis5454
4Andy Gullahorn5555
4Rod Norton5555
6Jamie E. Miller6868
Round 1: OggWood - original, 18 holes, par 54
1Chris Denton5454
1David Willis5454
1Jeff Tidwell5454
4Mick Gilley5555
4Steve Hazlewood5555
6Marty Pierce5656
7Adam Boom5757
7Chris Harris5757
7Jeff Wright5757
10Scott Mele6262
Round 1: OggWood - original, 18 holes, par 54
1Stephen Franke5656
2Ron Maggart5757
3Ken Harrison6464
Round 1: OggWood - original, 18 holes, par 54
1Dustin D Dwenger5050
2Andrew Fly5151
3John Bal5252
4Jimmy Taylor5353
5Kenny Kozlowski5555
6Jason Miller5656
6John Gorrell5656
6Jordan Maggart5656
9Stephen Like5757
10Caleb Webster5959
10Nick Miller5959
12Bradley Powers6464
Round 1: OggWood - original, 18 holes, par 54
1David Church5151
2John Heyser5252
3Cedric Finch5353
3Jonathan Jager5353
5Justin Meredith5454
5Mason Thieman5454
7Rick Garner5555
8Benji Young5656
8David Parker5656
11Donnie Harlow5858
12Eli West5959
12Wesley Thieman5959
14Andre Damm6060
14Logan Adwell6060
14Melvin Scott6060
14Paul Cooper6060
14Shawn Phillips6060
14Timothy Thompson6060
20Billy Pentecost6161
20Patrick Herrera6161
22Edward Lamb6262
22Matt Pulley6262
24Drew Gullahorn6363
25Ben Moore6565
25Robert Harlow6565
27Jake Graham-0
Round 1: OggWood - original, 18 holes, par 54
1Tyler Gullahorn5353
2Jeff Wilkins5555
3Dalton Hubbard5757
3Nic Crews5757
3Norm Guy5757
6Alex Aden5858
7John Freitas5959
8Kendall Albert6262
9Joe Sandidge6868
10Luis Reyes7373
Round 1: OggWood - original, 18 holes, par 54
1Christa Gilley6969
Round 1: OggWood - original, 18 holes, par 54
1Carolan Carter6161
2Caroline Lux6565
Round 1: OggWood - original, 18 holes, par 54
1Ruth A. Miller8080
Round 1: OggWood - original, 18 holes, par 54
1Bryton Dempton7070
2Brodie Alexander7575
3Grayson Dempton7979
4Logan Monnin8282
5Trent Buckner9090
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