All Day Disc Golf Presents the Rockwood MVP Circuit Challenge

Saturday, August 13, 2022 at Rockwood Central Park in Gresham, Oregon
Disc golf singles tournament

All Day Disc Golf Presents the Rockwood MVP Circuit Challenge graphic


Tournament DirectorRiley Murray
Assistant Tournament DirectorMadison Tomaino

About this tournament

Let’s have some unsanctioned fun!
Throwing only the 3 MVP discs provided in the players pack. Two are new molds not yet released to the general public!

Axiom Rhythm- understable fairway driver
Streamline Echo- straight flying midrange
MVP electron medium Atom- straight flying putter

1 round at each Rockwood and Vance for 18 holes total.
Shotgun start with cards on both courses, switch half way through the round. These are 9-hole city courses in walking distance from each other.

You may play with registered players from any division, up to a card of 5. Just let us know at check-in day of.

A limited quantity of the special edition Watermelon Paradox will be available to purchase for $25 at the event!

CTP and longest putt prizes.
Prize disc for 1st-3rd in each division.

Event Sponsors:
Children’s Intensive Therapy, NW

Hole sponsor:
Hyzer dyes

Refund policy

All Day Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Vance Park
Gresham, OR   Get Directions

Final Results

Round 1: Vance Park - Main course vance + rockwood, 18 holes, par 54
1Dr. Ching4545
2Brett Williams5050
3Kevin Henson5353
4Daniel Measures5454
Round 1: Vance Park - Main course vance + rockwood, 18 holes, par 54
1Richard Alexander Billette4848
2Eric Perrenoud4848
3Quinn S Brockman4949
4Cameron Childers5050
4Skyler Park5050
6Brian Kyaw5151
7Isaac Hotchkiss5252
8Jared Fitzpatrick5353
8Matthew Smith5353
8Ryon Met5353
8Setha Nhoung5353
12Jacob R Wright5555
12Todd Cary5555
14Greg Broutman5656
15Eric Snyder5858
15Paul Rasmussen5858
17Kai DeRousie5959
18Mathew Warren Overson6161
19Keith Hanley6363
Round 1: Vance Park - Main course vance + rockwood, 18 holes, par 54
1Ramon Ramirez5151
2Darrin Little5151
3Marcel Tress5252
4Lucca Selland5353
4Nathan (Bugg) Gazurian5353
6Cody Wagner5454
6Derik Schultz5454
6Heath Strode5454
6Konner Lessard5454
6Nick Mannen5454
6Patrick Barney5454
12William Hicks5555
13Brett Babir5656
13Garrett Scruggs5656
15Grayson Windle5757
15Stephen Kugler5757
17Brett Sebastian5858
17Edward Sayers5858
17Tyler Kalimanis5858
20Eric Echeverria6060
20Eric Sebastian6060
20Justin Wnuck6060
20Keenan Johnson6060
20Taylor Wagner6060
25James Best6161
26Joshua Caldwell6262
26Willie Sanders6262
28James Tice6666
29Joshua Howard7373
Round 1: Vance Park - Main course vance + rockwood, 18 holes, par 54
1Joann Partridge5050
2Sierra Studnick5151
3Ashley Calvert5252
4Ashley Kikukawa5858
Round 1: Vance Park - Main course vance + rockwood, 18 holes, par 54
1Candyce Boyce5050
2Amanda Lunger5858
3Kylee Litz6262
4Jasmine Manangan6565
Round 1: Vance Park - Main course vance + rockwood, 18 holes, par 54
1Elizabeth Schneider (Lemon)5656
2Katie Boos6060
3Shannon Skaife6262
4Kathy Jepson6565
5Jessica L6666
5Trish Turner6666
7Jess Hen6767
8Janine Hecht7272
9Darlene Ison9898
Round 1: Vance Park - Main course vance + rockwood, 18 holes, par 54
1Luke Sanders6363
Round 1: Vance Park - Main course vance + rockwood, 18 holes, par 54
1Bryson Little5353
2Dylan Kelly6262
3Jonah Zenger8787
Round 1: Vance Park - Main course vance + rockwood, 18 holes, par 54
1Addison Schultz6262
2Arya Zenger9999
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