All Day Disc Golf Presents the 2024 Oak Grove Open

PDGA logoSat-Sun, July 27-28, 2024 at Champoeg State Park in Newberg, Oregon
B-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

All Day Disc Golf Presents the 2024 Oak Grove Open graphic

About this tournament

The Oak Grove Open! This is the 21st edition of the OGO and it'll be bigger and better than ever. Come see Champoeg at its finest and help the Friends of Champoeg DGC raise the funds necessary to maintain and improve the course. These are the folks that sacrifice a ton of their time to keep the course playable and continuously evolving.

We will be playing two rounds with tee times on an (at least) 22 hole layout! There will be beer and food onsite.

Camping will be available, details will be posted as the event approaches.

Pass through costs: $2 per player for course reservation, $3 PDGA fee, $3 TD fee, leaving $67 per player towards payouts.

Refund policy

Champoeg Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.
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