AB Provincial Championships

PDGA B-tier

Sat-Sun, September 26-27, 2020

Hosted by Strathmore Disc Golf


  • Sat
    Sep 26


    MPO, MP40, MP50, MA1, MA40, MA50 - Round one Tee Times


    MPO, MP40, MP50, MA1, MA40, MA50 - Round twoTee Times (may start earlier if time allows.)

  • Sun
    Sep 27


    MA2, MA3, MA4, FA2, FA4, MJ18, MJ15, MJ12 - Round one Tee Times. MJ12 will be the last group out, and will only play one round.


    MA2, MA3, MA4, FA2, FA4, MJ18, MJ15 - Round two Tee Times (may start earlier if time allows.)


MPO Mixed Pro Open C$85
MP40 Mixed Pro 40+ C$85
MP50 Mixed Pro 50+ C$85
MA1 Mixed Am 1 C$65
FA1 Women's Am 1 C$65
MA40 Mixed Am 40+ C$65
MA50 Mixed Am 50+ C$65
MA2 Mixed Am 2 C$65
MA3 Mixed Am 3 C$65
MA4 Mixed Am 4 C$65
FA4 Women's Am 4 C$65
MJ18 Mixed Junior 18 C$45
MJ15 Mixed Junior 15 C$45
MJ12 Mixed Junior 12 C$45

About this tournament

Tee Times Saturday

Tee Times Sunday

Your safety and well being extremely important to us so we will be adhering to the requirements outlined by the Alberta Government:


We will also be implementing the Requirements and Best Practices for PDGA Sanctioned Play During COVID-19 as outlined in the document linked below (where applicable):


AB Provincial Champions - AB Selects
Winners in the MPO, MP40, MP50, FPO and MJ division will be invited to play for the AB Selects Falconer's Cup Team for 2021.

Two rounds of 18 hole disc golf at the luxurious Strathmore Disc Golf Course

Tee Times
Tee times will start no later than 8:00 AM. For both days.

- Saturday -
Open division (and MA1, MA40, MA50) will play on the Saturday.

- Sunday -
Amateur divisions (Excluding MA1, MA40, MA50) will play on Sunday

There is a $10 fee to be part of the waitlist. If you are accepted into the event, you’ll pay the difference between the waitlist fee and the registration fee. If there isn’t room, SDGC thanks you for your $10 donation to the club.

Refund policy

Strathmore Disc Golf Club is responsible for any refunds or withdrawals. Please see the link below for our Refund Policy:

PDGA Competition Manual for Disc Golf Events
1.03 Withdrawals and Refunds - https://www.pdga.com/rules/competition-manual/103