Alabama Team Challenge

Teams tournament

Sat-Sun, August 17-18, 2024

Hosted by Disc Golf Birmingham (DGB)


  • Fri
    Aug 16


    Round 1 Tee assignments posted on PDGA Event Page

  • Sat
    Aug 17

    7:30am - 8:30am at Greg Carter Memorial DGC

    Player check-in. All players are required to check in before the start of Round 1.

    8:30am - 8:45am at Greg Carter Memorial DGC

    Round 1 Player Meeting

    9:00am at Greg Carter Memorial DGC

    Shotgun Start - Round 1

    12:00pm - 1:00pm

    Lunch Break - Time is approximate and based on the completion of Round 1 for all competitors

    1:00pm at Civitan Park

    Shotgun Start - Round 2 - Time is approximate and based on the completion of Round 1 for all competitors


    Tee Times posted for Round 3

  • Sun
    Aug 18

    9:00am at Inverness Disc Golf Park

    Tee Times begin for Round 3

    12:00pm at Inverness Disc Golf Park

    Divisional trophies will be presented as rounds are completed


MPO Mixed Pro Open $100 / team
MA1 Mixed Am 1 $100 / team
MA3 Mixed Am 3 $100 / team

About this tournament

3 Rounds of play over two days.

Pass through fees:
$3 PDGA Fee
$3 TD Fee

Doubles - Each team will split into two doubles teams for one round of Doubles at Greg Carter Memorial.

Holes 1-9 will be Best Score. Holes 10-18 will be Best Shot.

All Divisions -

Singles All team members will participate in one round of Singles at John Lemaster at Civitan Park.

Am Divisions will drop highest score from Singles round total. No dropped round for Pro teams.

All Divisions -

Teams - Inverness - The Teams round will mimic the rules for College Disc Golf. This round will be played with TWO (2) sets of teammates, one ODD pair, and one EVEN pair. The ODD set will tee off on every odd-numbered hole, while the EVEN set tees off on every even-numbered hole. After the tee shots, the team chooses which of the two lies to play. From there, the set that did not tee throws their two shots. That alternating process continues until the hole is complete. This format allows for each player to tee off the same amount of times and for teams to play as a whole. Each hole has two teams playing together as an eight-some.

Blue -

Green -

Team Requirements:

Pro Team (Register as MPO)- No ratings limit. Anyone can participate in a 4 person team in this division.
Cash payouts for top teams. Merchandise payout available for team members that don't want to accept cash.

Advanced Mixed (Register as MA1) - Ratings total of all 4 members must average out to 925 or less. No player on the team may be rated higher than 969.
Merch payout for top teams.

Recreational Mixed (Register as MA3) - Ratings total of all 4 members must average out to 875 or less. No player on the team may be rated higher than 914.
Merch payout for top teams.

All players must be PDGA current to participate. Players with NO PDGA rating at the time of the event may only play on Advanced or Pro Teams.

Refund policy

Disc Golf Birmingham (DGB) is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.