After Sunset VIII - Sponsored by Longs Peak Disc Golf Club

Singles tournament

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Hosted by Longs Peak Disc Golf Club


  • Sat
    Sep 28

    4:00pm - 5:45pm

    Volunteers and TDs course setup, tee signs, OB lights, baskets and mandos

    5:45pm - 6:30pm

    Check-in, players should get their LEDs taped to their discs

    6:40pm - 6:45pm

    Player meeting

    6:45pm - 7:00pm

    Players walk to starting holes

    7:00pm - 11:00pm

    Shotgun Start! Complete play by 11 pm.


MPO Mixed Pro Open $50
FPO Women's Pro Open $50
MP40 Mixed Pro 40+ $50
MA1 Mixed Am 1 $50
FA1 Women's Am 1 $50
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $50
FA2 Women's Am 2 $50
MA3 Mixed Am 3 $50

About this tournament

Dear Players,

Welcome to AFTER SUNSET VIII, a very special disc golf glow event held at Sunset Golf Course in Longmont, CO! This event is both a small fundraiser for LUNACY XIV, as well as a unique experience that is only available once a year: Playing glow disc golf on a beautiful municipal golf course!

This is not a PDGA sanctioned event. This is, however, a very challenging course that requires a variety of shots and brings plenty of risk/reward. Our layout leverages a little bit of everything that Sunset Golf Course has to offer: elevation changes, well maintained fairways, and a ton of established trees. We even use the small shelter in the center of the course for one of the baskets to create a music and light show, so be prepared to bring your putting A-game. Playing After Sunset makes for a fun vibe you won't find anywhere else.

Below are some specifics for this event:
ALL Registration will be online via DiscGolfScene. Sorry, but no day-of registration will be allowed. Our window to set up and take down this course is very narrow so we have to streamline the process. Even if you need to pay cash, please contact us to get your name on the registration.
Player cards will be limited to 18 groups - 4 players per group, for a total of 72 players. We can usually honor card requests.
Each player will receive 6 LED lights for their discs when they check in.

All divisions are $50

$25 from each registration is paid back as prize money!

Payouts: This event pays out to the top 45 percent of scores in each division. We will send your payments via PayPal or Venmo within 48 hours of the event. In the event of tied scores, those payouts will be combined and then split.
Fundraising: The portion of funds retained by LPDGC will first be used to cover the rental of the golf course and LED lights. After that, the remaining amount will be used as added cash for Lunacy XIV.

Scoring will be done using UDISC, 2 players on each card should keep score.
Players will be assigned starting holes for a shotgun start the day prior to the event.
This round will have an end time of 11pm. All play must be completed and off the course. Again - a HARD STOP at 11pm.

DURING PLAY: All discs thrown outside of the circle MUST have an LED light, "Glow" discs don't count. This is a key factor to our pace of play. We expect everyone to consider the overall pace of play, and lost discs can really slow things down and possibly cause us to not finish on time.

DO NOT: Climb any fences or otherwise enter into any neighboring properties/residences. Do not continue play after 11pm. Anyone not following these guidelines will be asked to leave. Our reputation as a club and group of players is on display here, please help us maintain the level that we have achieved!

Refund policy

Long's Peak Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.