Aces and Metal III

Singles tournament

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Hosted by Heartland Hyzers


  • Sun
    Oct 8

    9:30am - 10:15am


    10:15am - 10:20am

    Player Meeting

    10:30am - 12:30pm

    Shotgun Start (36 holes - 4 loops of 9 holes)

    12:30pm - 1:00pm

    Awards (following the completion of the event)

    2:00pm - 3:30pm

    $5 Random Draw Doubles (optional)


GEN General $30

About this tournament

Aces and Metal is back...again!

Aces and Metal is an ace race event, where aces and metal hits from the tee are all that count.

The event is Sunday, October 8th. Check-in will start at 9:30 am, with a short player's meeting at 10:15 am. The event will start at 10:30am. Awards will directly follow the conclusion of the event.

Each player will receive two MINT discs. We have a Sublime Mustang and Apex Jackalope. You will use only the two discs for the event. We will play 36 holes (four rounds of nine holes). You will keep track of two categories: your metal hits, and any aces. The individual with the most aces wins. If there is a tie, it comes down to metal hits. If there is a tie between aces and metal hits, there will be a throw off.

There is a variety of prizes for the top 5 places, including a trophy for first place.

There will be a $5 random draw doubles event that will start approximately one hour after the awards have been handed out. We will play one round of 18 on the standard Minden league course.

Refund policy

Heartland Hyzers is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.