AWOL Triple 6 BYOP Doubles
Doubles tournament · Sat, Sep 11, 2021Sep 2021 · Athol, ID


Sep 117:30am - 8:30am
Day-of registration
8:45am - 8:55am
Player meeting
9:00am - 12:15pm
Round 1
12:15pm - 1:15pm
Approximate lunch break - please check in with Tournament Central prior to leaving for lunch, as lunch break duration/time is subject to change.
1:15pm - 1:20pm
Player Meeting prior to Round 2, approximate times
1:30pm - 4:45pm
Round 2, approximate times
Awards - approximate time
MPOD | Open Doubles | $50 / team |
MAD | Mixed Am Doubles | $50 / team |
WOMD | Ladies Doubles | $50 / team |
JNJD | Jack n Jill Doubles | $50 / team |
About this tournament
2 rounds of play
This is a Bring-Your-Own-Partner (BYOP) Doubles event at AWOL DGC at Farragut State Park in Bayview, ID. The format we'll be playing we're calling triple 6 - 6 holes of normal best shot doubles, 6 holes of alternate shot doubles, and 6 holes of worst shot doubles.
Of the $25/player fee, $5 goes to overhead (course costs, insurance) and the other $20 goes to payout on a per-division basis. The top three teams in each division will be paid out at 50/30/20% respectively.
AWOL holes 1-6 will be best shot, holes 7-12 will be alternate shot (alternate who throws the tee shot - one player throws odd numbered tee shots, the other throws even tee shots) and holes 13-18 will be worst shot. (as decided by the other team(s) on the card, and with both players needing to make the putt).
Of the $25/player fee, $5 goes to overhead (course costs, insurance) and the other $20 goes to payout on a per-division basis. The top three teams in each division will be paid out at 50/30/20% respectively.
AWOL holes 1-6 will be best shot, holes 7-12 will be alternate shot (alternate who throws the tee shot - one player throws odd numbered tee shots, the other throws even tee shots) and holes 13-18 will be worst shot. (as decided by the other team(s) on the card, and with both players needing to make the putt).
Refund policy
ApeX Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.