
8th Annual Winter of Discontent

PDGA C-tier · Sat, Feb 15, 2025Feb 2025 · Fort Washington, PA

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Lee Gould Second round will start at 1:15 Feb 15
Lee Gould Here is the link to the Caddie guide
Feb 15
Lee Gould The layouts have been updated to reflect the basket color. Sorry for any confusion. Feb 14
Tim Sliker Feb 14 Thanks, Lee! I see on the word doc it says 3B red. But 3B is usually silver. Is it 3C red? Or 3B silver?
Lee Gould Feb 14 Hi Tim 3A and 3B will both be in play this weekend. The red basket will be in 3B and the silver basket will be in 3A
Tim Sliker Feb 14 Ahh, now I see. Thank you for explaining that.
Lee Gould For the second round

Pool A will be: MA2, MA3, MA50, MA60, FA1 and FA2

Pool B will be: MPO, MP40, MA1, MA40

Layouts are at the bottom of the comments

Feb 14
Ryan Amaya Feb 14 I’m possibly an idiot but what are the C baskets?
Lee Gould Feb 14 Some holes have three positions, C baskets are always the longest position. I will clarrify on the document.
Lee Gould Feb 14
C baskets are always the red basket in the longest positions. Some holes have three positions on th ... show more ›
Brandon Martin How likely is this to turn into a one round tournament, due to the weather forecast? Feb 13
Lee Gould Feb 13
I am monitoring the weather but at this time don't anticipate turning it into a one round tournament ... show more ›
Andrew Kurdelski So sorry... Not sure if I'm drunk or what but I've reread the tournament page a few times and cannot for life of me determine if this is a shotgun or a teetime start. If shotgun what time? If teetime when will we know? Feb 6
Lee Gould Feb 7 Shotgun start. I will post the schedule shortly.
Andrew Kurdelski Feb 7 Great thanks!
Tim Sliker Sorry if it's already stated somewhere and I missed it, but how is it decided who falls into Pool A vs. B for the second round? Jan 31
Lee Gould Feb 7
No problem. Final decisions will be made in a couple of days and announced here. There are some last ... show more ›
Tim Sliker Feb 7 Sounds good, thank you?
Sheldon Wakefield Kind of was hoping for 2 rounds of 18 too but whatever works best for everyone. Jan 31
Corey Neel Hi Lee, why has it already been decided that this is 1.5 rounds instead of 2? Jan 28
show 1 earlier comment
Corey Neel Jan 29
My understanding is that the reason you ran it that way last year was due to the weather causing a s ... show more ›
Lee Gould Jan 29 People get cold, tired, hungry, they have to get home to family or pets, their arms can’t hold up to 36 holes... There’s lots of reasons.
Danny O'Brien Jan 30 Lee - could we modify it to a 27-hole layout straight through? That way everything gets rated at least?
Haukur Bragason How does a 9 hole round work with pdga/rating? Doesn't it have to be 13 holes minimum to count? Jan 24
Ryan Amaya Jan 24 Yeah only the first round is rated, that was the outcome after this model was used last year.
Stephen Deering Hey Lee still cannot just sponsor. Jan 2
Lee Gould Jan 2 Hey Steve thanks for following up.
Lee Gould Jan 2
I posted this message to fb “ Stephen Biko Deering and Shaina McAndrews I just added an option to ... show more ›
Lee Gould You can learn more about the tournament beneficiary here:
Dec 1
Lee Gould Layouts can be found at this link:
Dec 1
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