MIke Walsh Aug 26, 202119 > spot should still have white paint / side walk by pavilion to island hole , orange pt should still be visible and 20 > by the port a john but to farther better basket in trees.
Justin Eccleston Aug 30, 2021I was walking 50 Acre yesterday trying to get the layout uploaded to uDisc in case that was used. But wasn't sure where 19 and 20 shot to. I have one through 18 uploaded though.
Mark Onstad Aug 2, 2021The 8th Annual Evergreen Park Open presented by Dunkin’ Doughnuts.
MIke Walsh
I do apologize for crazy early start time. Trophies had been ordered with date ( and they are bad ASS ) So this will be hard cap for sure. Next year, 2022 9th Annual EP will be 2 days like IOS events. ( i plan ) still thinking early sept date _ not labor day. Jul 31, 2021