7th Annual Shootout @ The Creek Sponsored By Latitude 64

PDGA logoSaturday, November 14, 2020 at Graham Creek Nature Preserve in Foley, Alabama
B-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

7th Annual Shootout @ The Creek Sponsored By Latitude 64 graphic

About this tournament

Fall is in the air and that means it's Shootout time again! The 7th annual installment of the first tournament that was held a Graham Creek almost didn't happen due to hurricane Sally but here we go!! Sally beat up Pecan Hollow pretty bad, so we will be using The Prairie and The Preserve. Registrations will end Thursday the 12th, there will be no day of sign ups. Come on out and enjoy some great golf at a beautiful venue!

A Pool MPO MP40 MP60 MA1

B pool FPO MA2 MA3 MA40

Tee assignments

Preserve Blue
Prairie Blue/white
Blue tees on Prairie are 3,5,6,7,9,12,18

All others will play white tees on both courses.

Refund policy

Dark Matter Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.
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