6th Annual Buffalo Flying Disc Open

PDGA logoSat-Sun, August 21-22, 2021 at Bond Lake County Park in Ransomville, New York
B-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Added cash $5,000


Tournament DirectorJeremy Hoeltke
Assistant Tournament DirectorMark Maue
Assistant TDJames Carman

About this tournament

BFDO is now spreading 3 full fields, over 4 courses! This will be our first year of offering such a large field, but due to a change in venue's, this is allowing us to add more players.

This year, we will have a total of $3200 added cash to the open field, and $2300 added value to the Amateur field. Also- the FPO division will have an additional $1000 added cash (big thank you to Bobby Jones for his generous donation). In other words- this is going to be a B-tier you do not want to miss!!!
AM's- your player pack will consist of a dry-fit polo, custom tourney stamped disc, custom designed golf towel, and a tourney stamped pint glass (and some other goodies)
Tons of CTPs as usual
Monster Ace Pool
And our raffle... this raffle is always HUGE!!!!
Snack Stations will be set up on both courses :)
Trophies for all division winners... including the special trophies for MPO and MP50!!
It's going to be a great couple of days.
Fire it up!

Refund policy

WNY Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.
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