5th Annual Lake Walcott Iced Over Bowl

Saturday, February 21, 2015 at Lake Walcott State Park in Rupert, Idaho
Disc golf singles tournament

5th Annual Lake Walcott Iced Over Bowl graphic

About this tournament

No Wimps! No Whiners! This is the 5th year that we have been playing disc golf in the cold to help a local charity. This is a trophy only event with a $25 entry fee and 5 cans of food donation(minimum). All players will receive a players pack if they pre register online or at Disc Golf DC.

Refund policy

Sichuckers is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.

Final Results

Round 1: Lake Walcott State Park - Ice Bowl Layout, 23 holes, par 69
1Aaron Spencer-0
1Bobby Leovy-0
1Mark Barbieri-0
Round 1: Lake Walcott State Park - Ice Bowl Layout, 23 holes, par 69
1Colby Anderson6262
2Trevor Pumnea6363
3Ben Budzien6464
4Bobby X6464
5Chase Killen6969
6Bridger Baxter7070
6Brock Jensen7070
8Ryan Erquiaga7272
Round 1: Lake Walcott State Park - Ice Bowl Layout, 23 holes, par 69
1Jerry Wilson6161
2Shawn Black6363
3Fred Moran6666
4Chris Theobald7474
5Ron Theobald7676
Round 1: Lake Walcott State Park - Ice Bowl Layout, 23 holes, par 69
1Morgan Rasmussen6464
2Roy Lattin6666
3Garrett Hirsh6868
4Drew Nielsen6868
4Mike Stradley6868
6Gabe Embler6969
7L.J. Metcalf7070
8Michael Nielsen7171
9Peyton Niendorf7272
9Scotty Simpson7272
11Robert England7373
12Roy Hale7474
13Shane Hill8282
13cody sparrow8282
Round 1: Lake Walcott State Park - Ice Bowl Layout, 23 holes, par 69
1Ray Jensen6666
2Matt Wardell6767
3Travis Lindsey6868
4Tracey McAuley7171
5Rob Sellers7777
6Rob Burns7979
7Stev Garcia8080
8Gene Ammerman8181
9Joshua Enoch8585
9Steve Haney8585
11Jim Ladd100100
Round 1: Lake Walcott State Park - Ice Bowl Layout, 23 holes, par 69
1Taylor Christensen6464
2Pierre Tusow6565
3Matt Henson6969
4Kevin Victor7070
5Andy Harris7171
5Chance Miller7171
5Josh Hale7171
8Ben Rasmussen7272
8Justin Holley7272
10zach Paulk7373
11Brent Sanders7474
12Bo Donnelley7575
12Kimball Black7575
14Coel Harris7676
14Mark Ivie7676
14TJ Adamson7676
17Barry Lattin7777
17Ben Landrian7777
17Jerry Black7777
17Larry Green7777
21Kayleb Walker7878
21Nick Hoffman7878
21Stuart Sailors7878
24Corey Miller7979
24Eric Powell7979
24Larry Laub II7979
24Shane Birrell7979
24Zach Rietkerk7979
29Beau Piercy8080
30Aaron Paulk8181
30Justin Scovill8181
30Kyle Sorensen8181
30Lance Haney8181
30Todd Czaplicki8181
35Bill Epkar8282
35Nathan Lorenzo8282
35Willy Pawson8282
38Andy Sackett8383
40Joe Pereira8888
Round 1: Lake Walcott State Park - Ice Bowl Layout, 23 holes, par 69
1Brian Grooms7373
2Robert Huntsman7373
3Zach Klundt7373
4Jd Merchant7676
4Rick Menard7676
6Andy Collins7777
7Anthony Campbell7878
7Dustin Hood7878
9Brandon Lattin7979
9Favien Ramerez7979
9Keaton Irby7979
12Chris Parkinson8080
12Cody Gailey8080
12Matt Stearns8080
12Richard Cunningham8080
16Rich Lang8181
16Trevor Hilleker8181
18Brandon Ivie8282
19Chase Holley8383
19Quentin Miller8383
21Dave Hartman8484
21Holden Beckstead8484
21Kyle Hodge8484
24Josh Wolters8585
24Sean Mills8585
24Teagan Stradley8585
27Martin Murphy8686
28Rowdy McConnell8787
29Nathan McKague8888
30Brandon Beall8989
31Alex Serrano9090
31James Carlson9090
31Jeff Jones9090
34Branden Breen9191
35Develin Johnson9292
36Jacob Avila9393
36Logan Webber9393
38Jared Evans9999
39Jacob Hartman116116
40Jordan Anderson119119
41Dan Gardner-0
41Dan Neitzke-0
41Jeremy Cox-0
Round 1: Lake Walcott State Park - Ice Bowl Layout, 23 holes, par 69
1Shannon Lindsey8888
2Malinda Rasmussen9090
3Jessica Stradley9090
4Becca Christensen9292
5McKayla Harris102102
6Madison Wardell103103
7Annette Aragon104104
Round 1: Lake Walcott State Park - Ice Bowl Layout, 23 holes, par 69
1Brandon Allen7676
2Philip Romney8484
3Gavin Stradley8585
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