Saturday, December 2, 2023 at White Spruce Park in Brampton, Ontario
Disc golf doubles tournament



Tournament DirectorKieran Greeson
Tournament DirectorBRAD FROST

About this tournament

Welcome to the 5th annual Frosty’s Discmas Doubles!


Two fun rounds of doubles disc golf for a good cause! Choose your own partner, or let us choose one for you. Play in the Am or Pro divisions. You will have the same partner for both rounds, there is no option to play only 1 round.

NEW THIS YEAR: We have the goal of having NO CASH exchanged upon checking in. So, you’ll notice that the 50/50 draw and raffle MUST be purchased when registering. Thanks in advance!

Additionally, if you would like to donate any CTP prizes, please label the prize with your name on it so we can give proper thanks for your generosity.

Time: check in 8:15 AM - 9-15 AM. Round 1 starts at 9:30 AM.

Almost 100% of $20 registration fee will go towards player payout at the end of day. $5 ace pot applies for the whole day. If there are no aces hit, then the ace pot will go towards Knights Table food bank.

2 Beer/Alcohol CTPs will be available for each division. So bring two drinks to donate if participating. All other CTPs will happen during round 1 only. Before leaving, please check to see if you won!

For $10, lunch will be provided between rounds from Venezia pizza. Lunch is pre-order only. Other lunch items will be provided as well.

Also, Terra Cotta Cookies will be donating a bunch of their cookies for the players! https://terracottacookies.com/

DISCY CHICKS will be on hand to sell discs and equipment! They also merch out the AM teams. https://www.facebook.com/groups/166148984314697/?ref=share_group_link

Also, please bring a food donation and let’s see if we can fill up Frosty’s truck! Donations will go towards https://knightstable.org/ Food banks need cash too. Last year we loaded up 700 lbs of food and raised $934 Please be generous! As you know, the food banks are being heavily used lately.

To donate cash online: www.canadahelps.org/en/pages/5th-annual-frostys-discmas-doubles/

Keep posted for updates!

For your Knight's Table donation, here is a list of most needed items:

Breakfast supplies, cereal –hot and cold; pancake mix, syrup (high demand)
Pasta Sauce
Canned Meat
Canned Vegetables
Canned Fruit
Kraft Mac & Cheese and Instant Noodles
Snacks such as puddings, Jello, Granola Bars
Juices & Drink Boxes
Cake Mixes
Diapers (size 3 in high demand)
Sanitary Products: ie. toilet paper, pads, tampons
Hygiene products – soap, deodorant, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste (high demand)

Refund policy

White Spruce Club is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


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