5° DISC GOLF ITALIA OPEN (5°DGIO) - Milan Italy - 10/5-6/2013
About this tournament
This year’s DGIO is also the first in a series of international qualifying tournaments (from October 2013 thru October 2014), in collaboration with the city of Milan for the “Expo 2015 Disc Golf Invitational†scheduled to be held in July of 2015. The top players from several (disc golf+Expo) countries will be invited to compete, in the biggest international promotional window that our sport has ever been privileged to be a part of, as guests of the City of Milan. The tournament will be played according to PDGA Europe B-Tier standards (see 2013 Guide to PDGA Europe and PDGA EuroTour) and current PDGA rules.
This year’s DGIO is also the first in a series of international qualifying tournaments (from October 2013 thru October 2014), in collaboration with the city of Milan for the “Expo 2015 Disc Golf Invitational†scheduled to be held in July of 2015. The top players from several (disc golf+Expo) countries will be invited to compete, in the biggest international promotional window that our sport has ever been privileged to be a part of, as guests of the City of Milan. The tournament will be played according to PDGA Europe B-Tier standards (see 2013 Guide to PDGA Europe and PDGA EuroTour) and current PDGA rules.