Spencer Young
Player's Email will be coming tomorrow, keep an eye on your inbox for it! 1h
Chad Ecker
Hey Spencer, do you have a general idea of first round tee times? Specifically looking for MA1, but other people might benefit from knowing as well for their planning purposes. Thanks! 2d
WILLIAM ELLIS 2dI was wondering about this; The About page has ma1-3 playing on saturday, but on the Player's page it says Sunday. Any clarification on this? MA 3 here.
Spencer Young 2dEmails will be coming out Friday this week. This will included rough tee times for divisions
Spencer Young Jan 16Yes. They will be available in person at the event
Ezra Houser
Any way to allow folks to opt out of a hoodie for a lower entry cost? They are great but I don’t have room for a third after playing the last two years lol Jan 11
Hey Ezra, This year that won't be an option avaiable due to minimum requirement for order size. I am ...
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Hey Ezra, This year that won't be an option avaiable due to minimum requirement for order size. I am looking into having it as an option in future seasons as my goal is to bring down the overall amount for the events I run.