4th Annual Kanawha Valley Regional Presented by Innova

PDGA A/B-tier

Sat-Sun, June 16-17, 2018

Hosted by Disc Golf Sports Center

Part of West Virginia Disc Golf Tour


B. Schick Brad Schick MPO
K. Moore Kristy Moore FPO
B. Light Blane Light MP40
W. Horn Wesley Horn MA1
T. Crammer Taylor Crammer FA1
J. Harward James Harward MA40
J. Broering John Broering MA2
B. McCray Benjamin McCray MA3
Z. Stover Zach Stover MA3
J. Meadows Jeremy Meadows MA4

Staff Contact ›

Bill Moss Assistant Tournament Director
Vic Herbert Assistant Tournament Director


  • Mon
    Jun 11

    9:00pm at Redeemer Park

    Treasure Hunt for Basket begins. Please see e mail or disc golf sports center.com for more info. Finishes Saturday morning with drawing for basket.

  • Wed
    Jun 13

    3:00pm - 6:00pm at Redeemer Park

    Players that have pre-registered may pick up there players pack.

  • Sat
    Jun 16

    6:30am - 7:30am at Redeemer Park

    Last minute check ins

    8:00am - 9:00am at Redeemer Park

    Players meeting (mandatory). Caddy's books will be handed out at this time.

    9:30am - 9:30am at Redeemer Park

    Player pool "A" tees off at Redeemer. Subject to change due to length of players meeting

    10:00am - 10:00am at Wine Cellar Park

    Player pool "B" tees off at Wine Cellar. Subject to change due to length of players meeting

    12:05pm - 12:45pm at Redeemer Park

    Player pool "A" eats lunch at Redeemer (no cost to players)

    1:00pm - 1:30pm

    Player pool "B" eats lunch at Redeemer (no cost to players)

    1:30pm at Coonskin Park

    Tee off time at Coonskin for player pool "A". This is approximate and determined by everyone finishing first round and eating.

    1:45pm at Redeemer Park

    Tee off time at Redeemer for player pool "B". This is approximate and determined by everyone finishing first round and eating.

  • Sun
    Jun 17

    9:00am - 9:30am at Coonskin Park

    Check in at Coonskin for player pool "B"

    9:00am - 9:30am at Wine Cellar Park

    Check in at Wine Cellar for player pool "A"

    9:45am at Coonskin Park

    Tee off at Coonskin for player pool "B"

    9:45am at Wine Cellar Park

    Tee off at Wine Cellar for player pool "A"

    1:00pm at Redeemer Park

    Tentative time frame for awards and payouts at Redeemer


MPO Mixed Pro Open $85
FPO Women's Pro Open $85
MP40 Mixed Pro 40+ $85
MA1 Mixed Am 1 $50
FA1 Women's Am 1 $50
MA40 Mixed Am 40+ $50
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $50
MA3 Mixed Am 3 $50
MA4 Mixed Am 4 $50
FA4 Women's Am 4 $50

About this tournament

$3,000 added cash to pros, 3000 added cash to ams. Plus $1000 added as directed by TD. Must have minimum of 4 per division in order to establish division. Players pack sponsored by Innova Disc Golf which includes your pick of 4 discs (1 DX,1 Pro, 1 Star, and 1 Champion). Also includes dryfit shirt and cotton T (Monogram plus), mini, Milleneum disc and a free hat from Innova. Lunch provided on Saturday at church for all players.

PDGA A-Tier and West Virginia Disc Golf Tour Event/ B-Tier Ams
Max field 144 Players

2 Rounds on Saturday, 1 Round on Sunday.

It will be blue course at Redeemer, and Pro course at Wine Cellar. Coonskin is on Golf Course with red tees being used.

Disc Golf week in Kanawha Valley will precede this tournament - the following applies:

Any player that registers after June 10th will be charged an extra $10. TIMELINE IS JUNE 11TH AT NOON). Online registration will close on 14 June (6 PM) from here on out all walk ins will be charged an additional $25.00.

The TD reserves the right to align fields in order to fill the tournament. If a waiting list is created by players once a pool is full, and if there are 3 players on waiting list, an opening will be made available from the other pool if positions are available.

This is the second event in the West Virginia Disc Golf Tour. West Virginia Disc Golf Tour sponsored by Lifetite, Pierpont College, and Summitt Brokerage Services

Refund policy

Disc Golf Sports Center is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.