47th NZ National Disc Golf Championships | “Beauty and the beast” presented by RPM Discs
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Paul ford 2 days ago
Hey I've signed up to ma3 as ma4 was full if a spot opens up in ma4 am I able to drop down please
Michaela Kerr 4 days ago
Hello! Can you please explain why FPO is playing the MPO tees at brooker? Seems a bit ridiculous honestly for a national champs to put FPO on a non score separator of a course. The other TDU tournaments havent done this.
Megan Donovan January 24 at 4:58pm
Hey Guys! I would like to request a change of division (FA2-->FA1) however when I go to edit my registration it looks like ill be put back on the waitlist if I make the change. Is that the case? There seems to be 2 available spots in FA1 so just wondering if I'll actually be waitlisted as I am travelling from Montreal, Canada for this event and don't want to risk losing my spot.
Chris Dickson December 10 at 6:17am
Hey Jay, MP50 playing b tees?
Jett Niccol November 17 at 2:24am
I saw on Udisc that you can register on there, should I be doing that or should I just wait until closer to the tournament date?
Blair Street November 16 at 9:07am
I'm planning on playing in the doubles I'm pdga registered etc. Does my doubles partner need a pdga membership? He is not currently a member.
Gary Jarvis November 5 at 7:42pm
Can you please confirm which divisions will be playing the Pro-A tees and which will play the Am-B tees?
too many ams we will need to move more divisions over to pro layout so we can fit everyones tee time.
Hey Brother. Would it be a good Idea for an MA50 Player to start practicing from the A tees?
Hemi Te Awhitu November 5 at 7:56am
Hey team. Is there any kind of player pack offered to Pro players, seeings lunch is also not included?? Tourney disc?? Anything??
Matthew Rance October 29 at 6:49am
Is the tournament limited to a certain amount of competitors
Hey Matthew. Yes there is a cap. From memory it was around the 250 player mark.
Caleb Norriss October 17 at 1:09am
Is there any option to not get the lunches? Is the doubles random or can you choose your partner?
Hey Caleb. there is no opt out for lunch sorry, you can offer it to someone else or simply choose to not have it. They will be good. Also the doubles ideally you have a partner as the $20 is per team. Cheers
Ok sweet, so only 1 person needs to register for the doubles. Cheers
All done. Cheers