
46th Annual Alabama State Flying Disc Championship Sponsored by Dynamic Discs

PDGA C-tier · Sat, Aug 29, 2020Aug 2020 · Jasper, AL

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Drew Davis Will you remove me from this tournament? I just found out I have other priorities. Thanks Aug 28, 2020
David Crauswell Aug 29, 2020 Done
Curtis Shriver Are there any course maps available? I've checked on dgcoursereview, disc golf scene, and Facebook and couldn't find any. I found the individual holes but not an overall map. I'm trying to figure out where my starting hole is. Aug 28, 2020
David Crauswell Aug 28, 2020 I have uploaded two pictures to the tournament site on here.
Luke Whaley I was promoted from the waitlist, but believe I waited to long to select my disc and shirt size. Is that still possible to do? Aug 26, 2020
David Crauswell Aug 27, 2020 Yes, you can either go to the email you were sent from DGS and select it to update your registration, or you can message me with the disc and shirt size and I can see if they are available.
Luke Whaley Aug 29, 2020 Oops, I wear a large if this message ever proves relevant
Jason Wagner Ah I didn't realize it closed registration guess I missed this year unless someone drops Aug 26, 2020
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Jason Wagner Aug 26, 2020 I didn't realize it was already upon us and was like dang I totally missed signing up
David Crauswell Aug 27, 2020 I added you to the waitlist for MA4.
Jason Wagner Aug 27, 2020 Thanks
Nicholas Cole When will we be notified if we didnt make the card? Aug 22, 2020
Robyn Tindall Aug 22, 2020 do you mean wait list? I am sure he'll call if you made it off the wait list..
David Crauswell Aug 22, 2020 I will close out any more promotions Friday evening and issue refunds.
Robyn Tindall 16 total on the waitlist. One in MA2 Aug 18, 2020
Chris Mizusawa How many on the MA2 wait list? Aug 18, 2020
Gene Sorg Is there a way to get bright yellow flags placed on the baskets at the Eagle for the tournament? Played there Sunday and a lot of the baskets were very difficult to see from the tee pads due to the low light of tree and cloud cover. Aug 17, 2020
David Crauswell Aug 18, 2020 We'll see what we can do.
Robyn Tindall What is your ruling on women wearing Dri-Fit racerback tops? I am unsure of the PDGA stance on this. Some tournament directors are okay with it, and other tournament directors are adamantly opposed. Please let me know if this is permissible. Thank you for your time and attention to this question. Aug 16, 2020
David Crauswell Aug 18, 2020 It's a C-Tier; I'm not going to be the fashion police. LOL
Robyn Tindall Aug 22, 2020 OMG.....LOL LOL LOL
Nicholas Cole Thank you ...hope we can squeeze in there!!! Aug 14, 2020
Nicholas Cole How long is the waitlist for MA 4 Aug 14, 2020
David Crauswell Aug 14, 2020 Looks like there are 3 on the Pool B waitlist.
Robyn Tindall Thank you so much for putting us old women, and old guys in the same pool. Makes it so much easier Aug 10, 2020
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David Crauswell Aug 11, 2020 Actually looks like I'll be able to keep you and Henry together.
Robyn Tindall Aug 12, 2020 Are you working on Brownies with your cookies?
David Crauswell Aug 12, 2020 LOL
Randy Singleton Went to register for MA40, but says waitlist? Is there still 2 spots in AM open? Aug 9, 2020
Ben Swam Aug 9, 2020 The AM total isn’t adding in the the 4 Juniors. AM side total is actually 97 so it is more than full. Waitlist sounds like the best option.
Nick Schiavone David, could you take me out of mp 50 and placed me into mp 40. Thank you Aug 8, 2020
David Crauswell Aug 8, 2020 Will do!
Dr Coach Green What groups are in each pool? Aug 8, 2020
David Crauswell Aug 8, 2020
If you click on the "Registered Players" tab, you can see the pools at the top of the page. However, ... show more ›
James (Mike) Burr Is this one day or two? Schedule looks like just Saturday, but also says August 29-30? Jul 27, 2020
James (Mike) Burr Jul 27, 2020 Thanks, much easier for us that live a couple hours out
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