420 Open 8 Stoney the Tiger

Singles tournament

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Hosted by Joe Stewart


N. Guffey Nick Guffey MPA
J. Hickman Joseph Hickman MPB
D. Jacobson Drew Jacobson MPC
C. Williams Caleb Williams MPD
S. Gibson Sara Gibson FPA
C. Flores Cristal Flores FPB
E. Andress Erin Andress FPC
A. Klotz Ashlynn Klotz FPE
C. Horrell Caleb Horrell MEP


  • Sat
    Apr 16

    8:00am - 9:15am

    Check in. If you want to play on the same card with someone check in together.

    9:30am - 12:30pm

    All Pools will begin play at 9:30am

    12:30pm - 1:30pm

    Lunch. There will be one hour between rounds for lunch the hour will begin when the last card from round one is turned in.

    1:45pm - 4:15pm

    Round 2 all Pools will start play one hour after Round 1 time is approx.

    4:20pm - 4:20pm

    Saftey Meeting. If you know, you know.

    4:30pm - 5:30pm

    Awards, Raffle, Collection of CTP Prizes and General Merriment


MPA Mens Pool A: 930 rating or highe $45
MPB Mens Pool B: 890 – 929 $45
MPC Mens Pool C: 830 – 889 $45
MPD Mens Pool D: 790 – 829 $45
FPA Womens Pool A: 930 rating or hig $45
FPB Womens Pool B: 890 – 929 $45
FPC Womens Pool C: 830 – 889 $45
FPD Womens Pool D: 790 – 829 $45
FPE Womens Pool E: 789 rating or low $45
MEP Mens Pool E: 789 rating or lower $45

About this tournament

We are full but there is a no charge waitlist, you'll need a valid email address and agree to the terms/conditions to get on the list.

Thank you for registering for the 420 Open #8.

This year we are introducing our mascot Stoney the Tiger.

All players will receive a player’s pack that will include 2 disc, a Stoney the Tiger t-shirt, and Stoney the Tiger bag pin.

Every year we try to mix it up and to mix it up this year, we are having players sign up into rating based pools.

If you've ever played an H2O event, you'll be familiar with the 5 pools of play A through E. (A being the highest rated players and E being the lowest)
This format was developed to place players together with similar skill levels.

If you do not have a PDGA rating you can still play the event, and you can text me at (336)269-5478 to determine which pool you should select.

The top two men and women finishers from each pool will receive a trophy.

In round one we are going to keep the popular Win your Card prize give-a-way from last year beat all your card mates and win a prize along with bragging rights.

In round two there will be CTP's prizes on every hole for all pools. We are also awarding all players 5 mulligans, mulligans can only be used in round two.

If you are new to our tournament welcome to the 420 Family and prepare to have fun. If you are joining us again you already know, welcome back!

Refund policy

No refunds will be issued after April 3rd 2022.
This is due to shirt ordes that need to go to the printer.
If a refund is needed prior to April 3rd email [email redacted]