Bushnell Presents the 40th Annual Kansas City Wide Open (Age Protected Pros/All Ams)

PDGA A/C-tier

Fri-Sun, August 26-28, 2022

Hosted by Kansas City Disc Golf

Staff Contact ›

Tina Patterson Merchandise Coordinator
Lupe Herrada Volunteer Coordinator



SPON Sponsorships $0
MP40 Mixed Pro 40+ $125
FP40 Women's Pro 40+ $125
MP50 Mixed Pro 50+ $125
FP50 Women's Pro 50+ $125
MP60 Mixed Pro 60+ $125
FP60 Women's Pro 60+ $125
MA1 Mixed Am 1 $100
FA1 Women's Am 1 $100
MA40 Mixed Am 40+ $100
FA40 Women's Am 40+ $100
MA50 Mixed Am 50+ $100
MA60 Mixed Am 60+ $100
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $100
FA2 Women's Am 2 $100
MA3 Mixed Am 3 $100
FA3 Women's Am 3 $100
MJ18 Mixed Junior 18 $100
FJ18 Girls' Junior 18 $100

About this tournament

Welcome to the 40th Annual Kansas City Wide Open!

Our caddy book is now live. Please download the .pdf file of the caddy book for your convenience on the course.

This event is a PDGA A/C tier sanctioned event. What does that mean? For professionals, the event is a PDGA A tier. For amateurs, we are treating you like you're playing in a PDGA A tier, but we want non-PDGA members and non-current PDGA members to have a chance to play.

The tournament: Each player will play three rounds on three different courses. All 3 rounds will be on tee times. We hope all players will finish their second round and head to Bad Rock Creek to watch the final round in the MPO division!

As we are celebrating 40 years of the Kansas City Wide Open, we have additional fun events planned:

Thursday, August 25th
Player's Party and Player's Pack pickup
BKS Artisan Ales
633 E 63rd St #120
Kansas City, MO 64110
Check out Dick Parker's newest collaboration with Brian and Mary from BKS!

Friday, August 26th
RoKC Putting Challenge
RoKC Olathe Climbing, Yoga, and Fitness Gym
654 N Central St.
Olathe, KS 66061
$500 Putting competition

Saturday, August 27th at Bad Rock Creek DGC
XL Games, Fly Mart, and the 50/50 KC Wide Open Raffle!
Stocksdale Park, 901 S La Frenz Rd, Liberty, MO 64068

Kansas City Disc Golf, Inc. and the tournament staff would like to thank our fabulous Parks Partners for providing outstanding venues and helping us facilitate this event:

Kansas City, Missouri, Parks & Recreation (https://kcparks.org/)
Liberty Parks & Recreation (https://www.libertymissouri.gov/57/Parks-Recreation)
Johnson County (KS) Parks & Recreation (https://www.jcprd.com/)
Unified Government, Wyandotte County Parks & Recreation (https://www.wycokck.org/Departments/Parks-Recreation)
The City of Sugar Creek (https://www.sugar-creek.mo.us/departments/parks_and_recreation/facilities.php)

This event wouldn't be possible without our core sponsors!

Bad Rock Course Sponsor
Labenite Course Sponsor
Underpar Disc Golf
Shawnee Mission Park Course Sponsor
West Plaza Tomato Company
Rosedale Course Sponsor
Dynamic Discs
Water Works Course Sponsor
DFX Discs

We would also like to thank our event partners!

DG Nomad
BKS Artisan Ales
Dynamic Discs-Kansas City
Jacquart Events -
CTP Sponsor
Kansas City Neighborhood Tourism and Development Fund
Kelly Davidson with Plastic and Chains
Maverick Disc Golf
Spoon Creek Disc Golf Course
Truly Unique Disc Golf
Ducks Flying Discs
Win Your Card Sponsor
Timko's Workshop
* hot round prizes

We would also like to thank our Course Directors for volunteering for this event!

Chris Timko our Event Coordinator
Josh "Kujo" Kujawa at Bad Rock Creek DGC
Keith Glendenning at LaBenite DGC
Greg Curtain at Water Works DGC
Cade Garrelts at Shawnee Mission Park DGC
Cody Davidson at Rosedale Park DGC

Volunteer sign up:
If you can't play but would like to volunteer for this year's event, please sign up here



The event is a three day event, Friday through Sunday. Players must be available to play all three days. Tee times may start as early as 8:00 AM and be as late at 3:00 PM. Once tee times are published, they cannot be changed. Tee times will be published to https://www.pdga.com/tour/event/56902

For professional players, this event is a PDGA A tier event. As this is an A tier, payout includes 100% of net entry fees plus minimum of $3000 cash added to the Pro purse (across all Pro divisions, which includes the FPO and MPO divisions in the separate tournament).

For amateur players, this will be a True Amateur event. What does that mean?

The PDGA provides information about True Amateur events at https://www.pdga.com/td/true-amateur - be sure to check it out. Essentially, True Amateur events focus on providing an outstanding event experience (including the player pack) and less on payouts. With that in mind, please note:

Recreational (FA3, MA3) and Junior (FJ18, MJ18) divisions will be trophy only.
Advanced (for example, FA1, FA40, MA1, MA40, MA50, MA60) and Intermediate (FA2, MA2) divisions will have a merchandise payout for the top 25% of the field for each division.

Player Packs:
Details coming soon, but you won't be disappointed!
Player Packs can be picked up Thursday evening at the players party Sponsored by Grip EQ at BKS.
After that they will be available until Sunday at Ducks KC.

The Kansas City Wide Open will utilize PDGA live scoring, and live scoring will be your official scorecard (https://www.pdga.com/score). The access code will be provided to you on day one of the event before your tee time at the course you're playing. Paper scorecards will be made available at each course for backup purposes. Each card is required to keep two scorecards; uDisc is also an acceptable backup.

As this is a PDGA sanctioned event (and disc golf is a self-governed sport) please familiarize yourself with the rules:


If the card has a disagreement over the rules or the application of the rules, please do not engage in argument. Simply play a provisional, finish the hole from both positions, record both scores, and see your course director after the round has concluded. Your course director, as a PDGA official, will make a ruling.

Courses (Friday/Saturday/Sunday; subject to change, but we do not anticipate changes):

Pools ( assignments are tentative, but we do not anticipate changes):

B Pool (MP40/MP50/MP60) will play Friday through Sunday on tee times each day.

Courses: Rosedale Top/Water Works (pro layout)/Bad Rock Creek (pro layout)

C Pool (MA1/MA40) will play Friday through Sunday on tee times each day.

Courses: LaBenite Longs/Shawnee Mission Park/Water Works (pro layout)

D Pool (MA2/MA3) will play Friday through Sunday on tee times each day.

Courses: Shawnee Mission Park/Rosedale Top/LaBenite Shorts

E Pool (MA50/MA60/FP40/FA1/FA40/FA2/FA3 MJ18) will play Friday through Sunday on tee times each day.

Courses: Water Works (pro layout)/LaBenite Shorts/Rosedale Top

See you at the 40th Annual Kansas City Wide Open!

Refund policy

Kansas City Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.

The PDGA Withdrawals and Refund rule will be followed. See https://www.pdga.com/rules/competition-manual/103 for specifics.
Pro players will receive 100% refund untill Registration closes and Waitlist are filled after that no refund will be awarded.
Am players will receive 50% refund starting 29 day before the event. After registration is closed and waitlist are filled there will be no refund
Remember if you withdrawal after registration is closed and waitlist are lifted you will not get a refund. You will however receive a refund for any extra items that you purchased through registration.