3rd Annual Rose City Open

PDGA logoSaturday, May 8, 2021 at Kitchell Park in Pana, Illinois
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

3rd Annual Rose City Open graphic


Tournament DirectorDaniel L Brown
Assistant TDJohn Hicks

About this tournament

UPDATE - Player registration starts at 8:00 am. Also, our Park Revitalization Committee will be selling hot lunches on site: Pork Chop - Chips - Soda for $7; Hotdog or Brat - Chips - Soda for $3. McDonalds is also a quick drive from park.

MPO/FPO - No Player Pack
$50 entry fee goes to payout

AMs - Payout top 45% -
Player Pack - (subject to change)
One of the following discs w/ tournament logo:
Tournament Logo:
Microfiber Towel
Can Hugger
Drawstring Bag
Raffle Ticket (massive raffle)
Grow Disc Golf $5K/$10 Entry Fee

Juniors - Player Pack - No payouts -
All juniors receive a $30 gift card to
Underdog Sports (on-site vendor)

All Ladies also receive a
Women's Global Event player pack.

Raffle prizes including a Chain-star Lite Basket (Pink)

Refund policy

Pana Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.
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