Colin Hurley
Hey Danny, I forgot to put in the notes section when I signed up, but my dubs partner will be Ryan Haunfelder. Thanks! Sep 5, 2011
Danny Burdick
2 weeks away!!! Make sure to pre register for 5 dollars off entry. $20 for a disc, breakfast, lunch, and a great round of disc! Sep 2, 2011
Danny Burdick
It is bring yours own partner but I'm sure there will be a few people that need one. Just come early and we'll find you one. This charity event is open to all and is not sanctioned. Pre register to insure a players pack. Have a great one, hope to see you out there's Aug 20, 2011
Gary Mustard
Are the doubles drawn from a hat, so to speak? Or would I bring another player..? Aug 20, 2011