Isaac Evans
Everyone. We apologize for the confusion. If you do not want to sponsor a hole, but have registered early, then the best way to receive a refund will be to withdraw from the event. You will get a full refund of your registration and can register again tomorrow night when open registration begins. Nov 5, 2022
Garry Young Nov 5, 2022Not a full refund if you used paypal, you don't get back their fee
Eric Rathbun Nov 5, 2022You can always reach out to customer service and explain the situation and request the refund. I've gotten a refund in a strange situation before.
John Gibbons Nov 25, 2022Yes - as much as possible. I will be sending out an email once registration closes
mindy lafontaine
I’m wondering about the porta potty situation? We travel an hour to play there and that’s always an issue for us. Nov 23, 2022
John Gibbons Nov 23, 2022I have ordered one and it will be delivered Friday
Eric Schwartz
Why are we refusing to answer if hole sponsors can pick their cards ? It has been asked and no response. But if other questions get asked there are answers Nov 22, 2022
John Gibbons Nov 23, 2022Hi - your E-Mail was received this morning and is being discussed, but we have already stated that card requests cannot be accomodated
John Gibbons Nov 23, 2022Refunds are issued up until registration closes. There is no deadline for refunds for people on the waitlist. If you are waitlisted and do not get in you will get your money back
Chris Feeney
any chance of increasing this tourney to 90 players? or should I request a refund. thanks! Nov 16, 2022
John Gibbons Nov 16, 2022If I could, I would. Unfortunately there is limited parking. If you do not get in, I will refund you. There is no deadline for waitlist refunds
John Gibbons Nov 15, 2022Only Pro divisions will receive trophies
Ken Leonard
What are the chances I can actually get in if I register in the MP40 division? You have 2 in and 1 on waitlist for that division already… so I would make a great fourth!;) let me know and I will register. I’ve played in the last 2 and would hate to miss it this year! Nov 11, 2022
John Gibbons Nov 16, 2022You would have to get on the waitlist to get a spot, I am sorry I cannot accomodate more people at the moment