D-Town Disc Golf Presents The 3rd Annual Fort Washington Open - All Other Ams

PDGA logoSunday, August 13, 2023 at Fort Washington State Park in Fort Washington, Pennsylvania
B-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

D-Town Disc Golf Presents The 3rd Annual Fort Washington Open - All Other Ams graphic


Tournament DirectorLee Gould
Assistant TDScott Lee

About this tournament

Mixed divisions layouts - Rd 1 all Red baskets. Rd 2 a mix of Red & Silver baskets.
Women's divisions layouts - Rd 1 a mix of Red & Silver baskets. Rd 2 all Silvers baskets.

Fine Print:
1. Any division with less than 4 players by 8/9 will be closed with players consolidated into the closest eligible division. Players who don't wish to compete in the new division will be given a full refund.

2. Winners of any mixed division with more than 8 people by 8/1 will receive a trophy. Winners of any female division with more than 4 people by 8/1 will receive a trophy.

4. Players pack will consist of: a premium blend tournament t-shirt and tournament stamped disc.

5. Any am payouts are gift cards to d-town disc golf. Gift cards will be sent to email used in registration.

Refund policy

Fort Washington Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.

Refund requests must be made prior to the close of registration. A $10 handling fee withheld from any refund (except players on the waitlist at the time of request).

If the spot is not filled then:
Refund request over 30 days is 100%
Refund request 15 to 29 days is 50%
Refund request within 14 days is 25%
Refund request after registration closes is 0% (player can contact TD for their player pack if eligible)
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